Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I hate this day. Except the time we escaped from the school, this day is so messed up. First, the flying horses, and the way that Percy and his gang actually looked like they used to this. Than we  went sleep, when Fang watching, and we waked up to see Percy and Fang fighting with each other. The worst thing, Percy stabbed Fang on his leg, and he blacked out. See? Bad day.

I ran toward Fang, looking what's wrong with his leg. There was big and ugly scar, from Percy's sword. Percy was near him too, and looked very shocked. I don't believe he did it. If I wasn't still shocked from the scene, I was already kicking him to the other side of the country.

"I-I didn't thought-he'll hurt..." Percy kept mumbling. "What you though? You have sword, slash, someone getting hurt! Why you fought with him? What's wrong with you?!" I yelled, and Iggy and Nudge ran toward me,  holding me from before I'll kick Percy.

"I didn't though he'll get hurt! This is celestial bronze sword, it can't hurt mortal, it only can kill..." Percy stopped. Celestial sword? He called us mortals, like he don't. Suddenly there were noises from the woods. But I don't care, I want to know the reason why this happened and what is happening here.

I turned to Percy, "and the reason this all started?" I said calmly, trying to control myself.

He looked at Fang, and turned looked at me, "he said that one of us is a traitor", everyone gasped and I was shocked. One of us is betraying us? The flock won't do that never, but our other friends...

"Continue" I folded my arms. Percy took a deep breathe. "He said that Annabeth is the traitor, and we need to leave her behind" he said miserably. Everyone, even me, gasped and looked at Annabeth. She looked shocked too, her grey eyes looking at us, at Percy and then on Fang.

"I don't the traitor! I'll never do that to my friends!" her voice was shaking, and looking to her friends. "We need to check if you right" I said while I walked toward her her and looked at her hand.


I looked at Angel, and asked her silently if she's telling the truth. Angel nodded. I was shocked. Why in the world Fang said that Annabeth is a traitor? She is innocent, not betrayal, and totally honest with us. Back in the school, when we met her, she was nice to us, and we were too. I looked at her, and felt little ashamed.

"We are so sorry, Annabeth. I just don't know why Fang thought you're a traitor, I so sorry...". She just looked at me, her stormy grey eyes checking if I'm lying or not, and her expression softened. She smiled at me and nodded.

I turned to Fang. He looked worse than before. He lost a lot of blood, and if we won't stop this... I frowned from the thought. Percy looked at him and suddenly his eyes lighted up. He took from his pocket a little bottle. There was apple juice. I looked at him confused. When his friends saw the bottle, her eyes widened, and so her friends did.

" know what Nectar doing..." Travis tried to warn him. But Percy ignored him. He handed to me the bottle, "Give this to Fang, it'll heal him". I took the bottle, looked at the bottle, and at Fang. If I Fang won't drink from the strange bottle, he'll die. If this bottle is poisoned, he still die. I sighed, and opened the bottle, opened Fang's mouth, and waited for results. For a scary moment nothing happened. Than Fang opened his eyes and gasped. I didn't realist that I hugged him, until now, and backed off, red as tomato.

Fang was red too,  and he looked everywhere, and when he saw Percy, he tried to stand and fight him, but failed. His leg is still hurt, but instead he gave to him a Fang glare. Percy didn't frowned. Wow, when someone giving you a Fang glare, you usually running from there, screaming like idiot.

Fang noticed Annabeth, and glared at us, "she's still here?" He asked, glaring at Annabeth. "She's not a traitor, she's a friend" I smiled to him. He looked confused, but then his eyes widened and he looked at the woods. Suddenly, a big creature came bursting from the wood. It was like a bull man, with the horns on his head and all this...maybe one of the School's creatures, I though hopefully.

Percy took his sword, pointing at the creature. "A monster. Get out of here as fast as you can"

Thalia's POV

A Minotaur. He is nothing compare to what we, the hunters, hunting usually. It's my second time that I saw it, and on the first time I hunted it (long story) wasn't the best memory (again, long story).

Meanwhile, Annabeth told us for a plan how to smash it back to Tartarus. I ran toward the bull, and started saying that he smell like barbecue and fresh meat. That's captured his attention. He charged me, and I jumped quickly to the side. Quickly as a lightening (ironic, right?) I took my bow, and shoot on the Minotaur three arrows in one time. It roared, and suddenly a hand from shadows grabbed it and throw him on the ground. Bull man was now confused. The Stolls ran near the bull, throwing on him food, and Annabeth jumped on the bull when he was distracted, and cut his horn. The bull roared and throw Annabeth to the tree, but instead crushing to the tree, she jumped on it, and jumped back to the ground. Percy was about to finish that over, when bull man grabbed him. It was about to kill Percy when something fell from the sky toward the Minotaur. It realist Percy from surprise, and we heard below us a scream "take cover!". We all ran to the nearest stone.


I could see a Iggy high five with Gazzy. The bomb did it work. I could hear the Minotaur roar, before everything was silence. We looked over the stone, and there was no Minotaur. The flock landed on the ground and we went to them.

"That's was incredible!" The Stolls high fives with Gazzy and Iggy. We just rolled our eyes.

"So...what was that thing?" Max asked Percy. After this day, I think we should tell them about us.

Percy sighed, "this was monster, from the Greek mythology" Max's eyes widened, and Percy continued "we are demigods-half mortals, half Greek gods. The Greek gods exist, and also all the mythology creatures".




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