Chapter Three

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     "Come on Anne, you need to get up and eat something." Liz nudges me. I moan and roll over on my face.

     "Go away." I'm so sleepy. All the activities from yesterday flood my mind, and I'm just not ready yet to get up.

    "Come on. You have to eat. Get up, lazy bones." Liz rocks me back and forth til I manage to get up, and I tell her to meet me in the front while I get dressed. Lazily, I make my way to the closet full of clothes. 

   "Oh my god..." I say to myself. The outfits are amazing. Filled to the brim with amazing dresses, shoes, designer heels. I choose a simple outfit, a bright yellow sundress and black pumps. I shower quickly, not caring that the water was scorching hot. In just an hour, I'm in my dress, shoes, and my hair is pilled high on my head in the best bun I've ever done. I walk to the front as smooth as I possibly can manage in the shoes.

   "Oh, Annebelle" Liz stands. "You look so beautiful!"

    "Thanks." I blush, taking a seat across from her. Liz decided on a long, black, elegant design. It fit her well. Her hair has been washed and glossed and fell down her back in dark curls. "You look nice too."

    "Okay ladies, let's get this started." Helena walks in from I don't know where, with a huge packet.

    "What, what are we doing?" I ask, confused.

    "I'm preparing you to meet everyone who is waiting for you, of course. Everybody who is anybody is there! They are all expecting you! Not only that, they are expecting you to be well trained and educated. So please, don't make me look bad after all those years of training. Please?"

   "Fine, lets get her done!"


   We went over every little thing you can think of. My brain literally hurts from all the knowledge. We went over smiles, etiquette, table manners, how to walk, how to speak, how to carry ourselves. We're basically breathing robots. 

   "Okay ladies, we're landing. Take a seat and get ready!" Helena chirped. I'm so nervous, my stomach is doing somersaults. I rub my hands on my dress, but it doesn't help. Liz notices and tries to calm me.

   "Hey, it will be alright. Just keep your head high and your smile bright. The camera will love you. Especially don't forget to smile. If you do that, you'll be okay. Oh! And walk like you own the place, because you sorta do. Okay?" I love Liz.


  "Here we are girls! Smiles bright!" The doors on the plane open.

I take a huge sigh. "Let's do this."

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