Chapter Eight

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           I spend the rest of the day in my room, going over everything so far. What happened with my father, mother, Liz. But one thing I just couldn't get over was the way Adam treated me. He had no right to speak to me like that. I mean, I'm the damn Princess! But he's right, pains me to say it. I am a little prick, I'm selfish, rude, arrogant. Wow, he's right! I should go apologize, but I guess I'll just avoid him. Well, as much as I can really. Since he is my protection program. After another hour of pacing, there is a knock at my door.

           "Who's there?" I ask.

           "Your bestie." Liz calls from the other side of the door. I go over to the door and swing it open.

            "What do you want?" I ask, a little to rudely. 

            "To apologize, that's all. I'm sorry I couldn't help you, I just didn't want to make the King upset. "

            "What did he have to say anyway?"

            "Nothing, really. Just something about Amelia." she says, and I know she's lying.

            "Well, if that's all?"

            "Yeah, it is." she sighs. Then she leans in and whispers in my ear. "Your body guard is cute." she winks, and then she's gone, just like that. In just two short minutes, she made my day go from bad to worse. She can't call me body guard cute! Can she? Doesn't matter, he's mine, all mine. Even though he hates my guts, and probably wishes I was dead. I bet he thinks Liz is cute. I mean, how can he not? She's so beautiful, and me? Well, I'm me. But there was no way in hell that I would let them get together. I would have to think of something. But for now, time for sleep. Quickly, I put my gown on and jump into bed, dreaming up a scheme. 


            The brightness of the sun woke me before Adam could. Not that he would anyway. Lazily I get out of bed and head over to my closet full of clothes. Today I go all out. It's a blood red, strapless, and the V is so deep, it nearly drops down to my V. Which, quite frankly, is really bad, but this was all for Adam. If Adam wants to play hard to get, I'll play dirty. I wash my hair with the most beautiful smelling shampoo ever, and curl my hair to perfection. It falls all around my shoulders and down my back. Perfect. I use a little make-up, which is a first. Just some eyeliner, a little blush, and deep red lip stick. But my shoes were the best of all. They were red, of course, and covered in tiny red diamonds. I see why they all love diamonds here, they're amazing! With all the confidence I have left, I strut my way to the door and walk out. 

           "Hello Adam." I smile bright. I see his mouth drop open slightly before he composes himself. My smile widens. 

           "I won't be needing your help today, I think I can manage the way. I'm sorry about yesterday, you were right. I was being a little prick, and that's just not me! I am the Princess, after all. I don't know much about it, but I know they aren't supposed to act like that. Anyway, have a good day." With the flip of my hair, I strut my way down the corridor. Without falling, I make it to the breakfast hall. Liz drops her fork, the Queen gasps, and the King nearly chokes. Everyone stops what they're doing to look at me. Ignoring them, I go take my seat .

          "Annebelle, what an interesting choice in clothing today." Amelia states.

          "Just wanted to try something new." I mutter. Glancing up, I see everyone's eyes on me. I'm like fire, blazing bright red. Nobody eats anything for the rest of breakfast, and it's quiet.

           "Well, we need to start your preparations today." Amelia stands.

           "Preparations for what?" I ask, confused.

           "For your suitors, of course."

           "Suitors?! You mean you're marrying us off!?"

           "Annebelle, calm down," Liz says. "It's not like it wasn't bound to happen. And besides, it isn't that much of a big deal."

           "Oh come on Elizabeth! You can't possibly agree with this!? Can you?" Liz just shrugs it off and goes back to pick at her food.

           "Mum? Is she serious?" Tears were brimming my eyes and I tried to force them back. I couldn't cry, not with all this eye liner and mascara. 

            "Yes, Annebelle, she is. It's not that big of a deal. I did it, so can you."

No wonder she ended up with Lance. He's absolutely terrible, I did wonder how she put up with him. Now I know, she had to for the sake of her mother and father. Now I'll have to follow in her footsteps. 

            "Annebelle, come back!" Liz yells after me. But I don't turn around, not for her, not for anyone. I only make it around the corner to my room before I fall and just cry. Those heels were to much, but I couldn't care less about them. I cry, oh how it feels so good, yet so bad. All the stress from yesterday pilling on me, hell, all the stress from the day I fount out I was a damn Princess!

            "Princess Annebelle, what happened? Are you okay?" Adam runs over to me.

            "Don't look at me! Please!" I shove my hand up so he won't touch me, but he ignores it and picks me up, carrying me to my room.

            "Let me go!" 

He does, after he gets me to my room. He opens the door, with me in his arms still, walks over and sets me on my bed.

           "I didn't need your help." I mutter, avoiding eye contact with him.

           "I don't care, I wanted to help. It's my job." I finally muster the courage to look at him. I know I look terrible, absolutely horrid with my make-up running down my face.

           "Don't look at me." I say, about to cry again. I feel like a fool, I look like a fool too. But there he stands, staring into my eyes.

            "Why did you do it?" he asks.

            "Do what?" 

            "Dress like that, like you're trying to be someone you're not. I don't know you all that well, but you aren't the girl you were when you first got here. How can you change in just three days? I liked you before, before you realized who you were. So go out there and be that person. Go back in there and stand tall. Be the Princess I know you can be." he tells me. Wow. Adam Parker just gave me a prep talk. What the f***?! 

             "But look at me. I'm a hot mess." I argue back.

             "I'll help you clean up, come on." Adam pulls me into the bathroom and starts wiping my face with a cloth.

             "Why are you helping me?" I ask him. 

             "Because no one needs to look like this. No one." he finishes up and tells me to go. I gladly get up and walk over to the door. 

             "Thanks. For everything. I don't know why you're doing this when I treated you like trash. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said those things and treated you so badly. And I shouldn't have touched you either. Sorry."

             "It's fine. Now go." he pushes me out the door.

             "You'll be here when I come back, right?"

             "Yes, now go."

I walk as quickly as I can in the shoes. He's so nice when he isn't being mean. Before I turn the corner, I turn back and wave. He waves back and calls out, I didn't mind you touching me!" and I feels so much better deep down inside.

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