Chapter Four

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    The camera flashes start as soon the doors are open. Without thinking, I grab on to Liz's hand and hold tight.

   "Smile." she whispers. So I do. A red carpet is laid out for us, a bit much, but we ease on it with grace. We look amazing, I know we do. It's like we were born to do this. Oh wait, we were! The people's yells and screams are to much, but I hardly noticed. I was busy looking at Liz. She was absolutely beautiful. I can't believe that I didn't see it before. Her light hazel eyes complemented her gorgeous smile. She made me feel self conscience. But I ENVY her, I love her so much, and she's my sister. Before I knew it, we were in the Palace doors, and the screams were gone. Standing before us, I assumed, was the one and only Queen Amelia And King Lance II.

    Amelia was the most beautiful and elegant woman I ever saw. Her hair went down to her knees and was in deep curls just like Liz's. Same color too. Her eyes were a deep hazel, and they blazed with admiration and pride. Her lips, which I loved about her the most, were full, and heart shaped. She's sun kissed, and it's beautiful. But her dress, her dress made mine look like a potato sack. It was a deep purple, strapless, and covered in real diamonds. It had beautiful layers, and the dress was all silk. All silk! King Lance II was handsome. He looked like a quite person, but his eyes told me other wise. He looked mad, I'd steer clear as much as possible. It was all so nice, everything was magical. But I was so curious. I knew I wasn't supposed to speak unless spoken too, but........

  "Mum? Father? Is that you?" I ask. I feel 'Lizbeth stiffen next to me and Helena gasp, I know I f***** up now. But mum just smiled and laughed. And she did something I couldn't imagine. She ran over and hugged me, well, hugged us. She squeezed us tight, I'm surprised her dress didn't get in her way.

  "We've been expecting you both! Ohh, it's so nice to finally meet you, when your able to talk! I can't wait to get to know you both Elizabeth and Annebelle. My two Princess's."

She kisses both our cheeks, her smile going up to her eyes, and I just can't help but smile back. Her smile is so contagious. Liz's smile is equal. They're like twins. I now see where she got her features from. I see where I got mine from too. My father, the king. He seems like someone who is always angry, like me. He also looks like someone who yells, I'll have to be extra happy and jolly around him if I want to be on his good side. 

   "So, shall we meet the King?" she asks.

   "Of course." Liz pops in. "After you." She sounds more nervous than I feel. We walk the short 10 feet to the King where he stands tall, face plain.

   "Hello." I say, because it's all I can manage. I extend my arm out to him, and he stiffly takes it, shakes it once, and releases. "I'm Annebel-."

   "I know who you are. My wife nearly screamed it. No need for introductions. I am the Kin-."

   "I know who you are, it's pretty damn obvious. With the crown and everything." I snap back without thinking. Quickly I cover my mouth and gasp, realizing what I just said. I here everyone else gasp, then it's quite. So quite you could hear a pin drop. I glance over at Liz and she has stiffen even more and her eyes are wild with fear. Oh s***! What did I just do?!

   "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn-!" I scramble around with my words, but stop because I don't mean any of it. The King cuts me off with a laugh. He laughs so loud and so hard, he falls over on the floor. It's the most funniest sight I have laid eyes on. I quickly join in, and soon, everyone is laughing all for different reasons. 

    "Oh man! You are really something! At least we know what part of the family you come from!" Yeah, I knew way before you buddy. But I keep a smile on my face to show him that I'm equally happy. At least we know he has a sense of humor. After a few more laughs, Queen Amelia helps him off the floor. Liz still looks nervous, but her face has brightened. That's something. 

    "Let's go to the banquet hall. You all must be famished." Queen Amelia suggests. She walks down a long hall then makes to lefts then a right, with the King in her arms. 

    "Here we are." The guards standing by open the doors and my nose is quickly filled with the sweet aroma of the food laid out for us. They lead us to the huge table in the middle of the room and I quickly take my seat. It's filled with the richest food I have ever laid eyes on. Pig, pork, beef. And arrangement of fruits and veggies. Treats, sweets. Choices were endless.

    "Dig in." Amelia smiles. And I kindly do. 

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