Chapter Thirteen

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                 Elizabeth and Adam stare in awe as I finish my speech. I made a huge turn in the end, about love and sacrifice.

               "Annebelle, I-I don't know what to say." Elizabeth finally says.

              "Agree with me, that's all you need to do. I refuse to believe that anyone can tolerate this, stand for it. Just agree with me, say you think it's wrong!" 

               "Yes, Annebelle, you know I think it's wrong. But that still doesn't mean you can go around and kiss whoever you please." 

                "You can if you're protesting, and it's not just anyone. It's Adam Parker." I speak up. He still hasn't said anything since Liz caught us, and I wonder why. 

                 "So what now? We march in there and demand to get rid of the suitors?"

                 "Yes." I say without hesitation.

                 "I was being sarcastic! Ugh, honestly Anne, I worry about you. And for gods sake, where are your shoes!?"

                  I look down at my bare feet. Since I read the note, shoes were the last thing on my mind. All I wanted to do was find Adam and talk. We never really got to the talking part.

                 "What happens if we do go in there and demand it? Nothing. They can't kick us out."

                  "They can, and they have." Liz states.

                  "Maxwell wouldn't go through with this."

                  "How the hell would you know? We don't know Maxwell, Annebelle, okay? So don't bring him into this."

                  "Maxwell?" Adam asks. It's the first thing he's said in the last ten minutes. "I know a Maxwell. We're best friends, or we used to before he just left without notice. We trusted each other with our lives. He told me he was undercover, for his parents. He was adopted you know. His adopted parents told him to let it go, but he couldn't live his life with uncertainty. So I guess he set out, on an adventure. He never said good bye, but I don't blame him."

                   "Well, it's not the one we're talking about. He's dead." I say. facing him.


                   "Yes, dead. Gone, before we ever met him.  I bet he would have been so nice. Don't you know him Adam?" Liz speaks up, innocent expression on her face.

                    "No, who is it?"

                    "Maxwell Monroe, our brother." I say, I hate the way she was looking at him, made me uncomfortable. He's officially mine, and she can't change that.

                     "Hm, I didn't know that, interesting. Anyway, what do we do about this situation?" It might be me, but it seems like Adam is moving farther and farther away from me, inch by inch.

                      "Can we go right now? I'm not sure I'll be this angry anytime soon." 

                      "Right now?" Liz nearly yells. "You mean, right this second? Don't you want to grab some shoes first?" 

                       "F*** shoes, lets go." I turn away from them and walk towards the breakfast hall, knowing they will be there. I hear Liz shout after me, but I keep going. I pass Chase on the way there, and he joins me in my march, not knowing what I'm doing.

                       "Your Majesty, don't you want shoes?"

                         "I won't need them, it's all part of the plan, trust me." I walk faster, he struggles to keep up.

                         "What plan? Your Majesty, is there something going on I don't know about?"

                         "That's exactly what's going on. Ever heard of a rebellion? Well, you just walked into one whether you like it or not."


I stop and turn on my heels, blowing out a huge sigh. I'm so aggravated and annoyed. I have places to be!

                           "Do I need to spell it out for you? I'm in love with someone, but my parents are trying to marry us off, and I can't tolerate that. It's wrong, it's decisive, and quite frankly, STUPID.  So, I'm going on strike, rebelling against them.  Now you have a choice, you're either with me or against me. Choose." I glare at him and he glares back. 

                           "Where are we headed?"

                            "Yes! Good, okay you're in. We're headed to the breakfast hall, since it's breakfast. Hopefully they're still there. Come on." I turn to walk again but before I move, Chase grabs my elbow, pulls me towards him and kisses me. It last for a second before he lets go and steps back.

                            "Always wanted to do that." He whispers. "Lead the way."

But I just stand there stock still. It feels impossible to move, my heart in my mouth. Liz and Adam appear behind Chase and they look back and fourth between us. 

                            "Annebelle," Adam says, "You look like you've seen a ghost, are you okay?"

                            "I'm great Adam," I mutter. "Just great."

                             "Okay then, are we doing this or what?" Liz asks. I just nod my head and we all jog to the breakfast hall, my mind far away. We all stop in our tracks when we get to the door. Queen Amelia and King Lance are in their original spot, but they're talking to four other people. Liz and I gasp in unison and they all turn to look at us. I feel so exposed now, in my short gown that stops at my waist and shows to much chest. My bare feet and arms, I'm practically naked.

                          "Oh my god." Liz whispers. I'm not sure how she can even manage to speak. I'm absolutely speechless.

                            "Liz, is that......" I start. She just nods her head. I think Adam and Chase figured it out too.

                             "They are....." Adam whispers. And now I know we're so totally screwed.

                             "Annebelle, Elizabeth, Mr. Parker and Mr. Washington, meet the Chevalier's, the royal family of France."

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