Chapter: 20

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Blake POV

   Belle shook her head really fast, a forced no. She had a look of distress and shock, written all over her face. I wanted to confront her about it, but i was inturupted.


"Belle! would you mind texting in the group chat and ask them to come over, we are pretty much ready. All we have to do is wait until grace and mark get back with the cheetos and stuff." She nodded her head and went over to her phone, her hands were shaking, as if she were cold, but its July. I thought nothing of it, or rather tried. 

"Hey Belle what's the date?" I was trying to keep her mind of what ever was on her mind. 

"July.....31." She said, a faint smile came on her face. I could feel i was doing the same. She walked over to talk to syd, and walked out. What the hell? Again i tried to go talk to her but syd once more stopped me.

Belles POV

   I told syd i had to go see Jake, well actually i told her i was going to go to my rom for a little. Before i entered my own room i knocked, now a habit i will always use. I will never get that horrifying image out of my head. When Jake opened the door he look at me confused because I was knocking at my own door, like an ass. He stood in the door way looking at me, silent like earlier. I looked down yet again and he moved out of the door way, motioning for me to come in. He had the softest, faintest smile upon he face. I could feel, so did i. 

   I looked at him yet again,

"Jake?" He moved his head towards me to signal he was listening, yet still silent.  We were now sitting across from each other on our beds. We wold only be roommates for a few more days until are next show. 

"Are you alright? Ever since everything, you haven't really talked to me. Plus today, you talked to no one." He looked down, we both always did this, i habit we would never break. 

"I had a feeling you were going to ask that." He spoke in the softest most quiet voice he's ever spoke in. Almost as if he were whispering. Did he not want someone to hear us? Was there someone in the room. i could basically feel the confused expression glued to my face and he looked back up and smirked.

"Nothings wrong, im just glad your here, so im not a-" He stopped. He looked very hurt for a moment. 

"Your not what Jake?" His smirk faded again he tried not to look down. He took a sigh,

"So im not-so i'm not alone." He looked at his shoes despite his effort. He studied the ground, avoiding me at all costs. I spotted a small tear flow drown his cheek and I walked over and sat next to him. His eyes were clouded even more, i felt consumed with guilt. 

"Why would you ever be alone?" I truly would never belive he could ever be alone, he had so many friends, he had me. It pained me that he even had those thoughts. 

"I just never see you, you've-" He stuttered from trying to hold back the tears. He then took a deep breathe but still stared at his shoes. 

"You've been sleeping at graces an-and syds place a lot, an-" I couldn't bare to see him struggle and cry any longer so i tried to stop him where he was.

"So they dont rip each others face off, not because i in any way want to!" Still looking at the ground he continued despite my effort.

"Belle no one here is stupid you know," I knew this. This hurt to hear, did he really think i thought people were stupid, did he think that low of me? My face of sympathy to to confusion as i looked at him. 

"We all are aware that you like Blake, it obvious you know..." He trailed of into a softer quiet voice and shook his head turning the other way as he began to cry completely. I was so lost, i didn't even know i liked bake, so how could everyone else know?

"I've only been friends with him for a day you know? We aren't that close, all we did was go to wendy's." Still silent, he sat motionless and stopped crying. 

"I know, but B you don't understand i-" he was cut off by Cam barging in, whatever- i deserved it. 

"Guys, come on-" Cam stopped when he saw jake still looking down (he turned around back towards me once he stopped crying) , he mouthes the words "Is he ok?" to me. I shook my head and mouthed back, "i don't think so" i started to tear up, it hurt to say that so much because i want him to be ok. However i am not stupid. I know he's been having a hard time lately, he's had bad anxiety for the past few days and always has, he's felt alone apparently. Cam gave a dissapointed nod and motioned for us to come. I mouthed "one sec" and he nodded yet again, with sad eyes he left. 

"Jake im so sorry-" I stopped i didn't know what to say. He lifted his head and looked at me finally  ,but he had tears flowing down his face at a raped speeds but was still silent. I looked into he red eyes, i broke my "rule" when i kissed him for the first time. His eyes appeared hazel normally, but being pressed against his red teary eyes they were dark brown, no happiness could be seen. The joy and happiness that lit up in his eyes was, for the first time, gone.

    I burst into tears, why us. Why does this always happen to us? I needed him and he needed me, but because of our damn age we couldn't have that...and it hurt. He hugged me really tight and i hugged him even tighter for what felt like forever.

"Jake, i promise you no matter what happens-you will never be alone, i wont let it happen." He put my head on his chest, allowing my tears flow onto his blue T-Shirt.

"I know..." He still said in a quiet voice, but a little stronger. Once we both got our shit together, i got up and reached out my hand, and motioned my head towards the door. 

"Come on, lets go hang with some friends." I winked at him and he smiled, it was great to see his smile again. However i knew it wouldn't last long. Like i said he's been bad lately with his anxiety and his stress. Jake has also told me how he was once treated for depression, maybe its coming back? 

   He took my hand and we left for Syds room, never letting go for even a split second, like i said before we needed each other.

Syds POV

   Long story short, i kissed blake. Yep, right then, Belle walked in, ha. Her face was confused and hurt at the same time, but she was trying to hide it. I had a great idea, thanks belle! Always giving me new ways to ruin you, i laughed to myself a bit. This was gonna be good.

   I've known Blake for a grand total of 2 days, and i know that he will make my plan go perfectly, he's just one of those guys.


Hey! This is my edited version of this chapter, nothing drastic was changed just more detail. Im sorry if it was boring and even to long. Oh by the way, this is the first time saying this, but im actually writing a new story! If you want to go check it out, Its also about magcon! Well kind of, guess you'll just have to find out...*wink wink*

Thanks again for reading!


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