Chapter: 37

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Grace POV

   Like i was saying, everything was done like normal human beings with no problem. Until Hayes.

"Hi, um can i have a... thanks Olivia." You think nothings wrong there, well...

"Hayes! How could you?" It was syd, making a scene in the middle of a perfectly peaceful McDonalds.  She's so dramatic, what could it possibly be now? Syd fast walked out and stood out side the door as if she wanted to make a scene but didn't run so far that somebody couldn't go after her. Hayes shrugged as everyone made confused glances towards him because none of us saw the issue. Once Hayes walked out side their fighting began. We could here voices, but not the full word. More like the cloudy mumbling sound. We all stood a few feet from thew window just watching the pointing and obvious yelling go back and fourth. After about ten minutes of tossing our heads back and fourth to look at each persons alibi and gestures. Hayes looked as if he gave up, he just stood their with his hands in his pockets. Then all of a sudden, not long after, he yelled so loudly that it was as clear and cristal.

"YOU KNOW WHAT F*CK YOU!" Then he just turned around and walked away, and then called a cab. We all stood in awe as syd was making all different kind of expressions upon her face. When syd came in to tell us what happened, lets just say i was a #TeamHayes.

Rose POV

   Um, im not gonna give details, but once we got to the elevator shit went down... Me and Shawn are officially dating now, the way i "asked him out" was unique to say the least. I don't care what any one thinks though... i've never been happier. We even made it official on all our social media we just posted a picture of us kissing and the under it we put the hast tag #Showsie. Our phones were blowing up with likes and questions just a few seconds after posting it. The most frequent request was to do a Q and A. So we agreed to do one for my next video. I don't usually do YouTube, but when i do i make it awesome...just saying. 

Blake POV

   When i walked out of the room all i felt was guilt. I couldn't help her even if i tried. I even had to go 2 hallways down to get a different person to help because my words didn't matter. This hurt, but it pained me more to think about what could possibly be going through Belle's head to make her feel so much pain on the inside and out. I wanted to date her, but how could i be if i cant even help her stop crying. I would just hurt her more. I walked over to Hunters room to give me some company before i head down to eat dinner with every one, i heard we are going to do that from now on. i knocked on the door weakly and when he opened it he dragged me in, i didn't realized until he did that i had just been standing in the door way for god knows how long without moving. When i got in the room it smelled of axe and was actually pretty neat. I also noticed he was on YouNow, my face lit up a bit. Maybe talking to our fans would make me feel a little better and keep my mind off of things you know? 

"Hey guys i'm gonna have someone join us if thats cool with you" Almost everybody in the comments replied with yes and hell yes. I walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed facing the camera or his phone, what ever you want to call it. The comment and likes started to blow up and so did the bars. It made me feel good that they were this happy to see me. 

"Blake, they gave me some questions on twitter, so do you want to answer some that they wrote for you too?" i nodded quickly, but i haven't spoken a word yet, thats unlike me. 

"Ok first one from KayleiBaylei; Do you like anybody." I ammidiatley reconized that name i used to see it every where and-

"Blake?!" Hunter yelled sounding confused, i guess i zoned out for a while.

"Um, well..." hunter glared at me, giving me the 'don't lie' look. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes i do, but i don't think it's gonna end up working out so i'm not gonna say who." I got more and more quiet as i spoke. Of course that had to be the question, of course.


Hey guys! I know this is one of my shorter ones and was really bad, but dont worry tomorrow i am going to be posting a really awesome chapter full of a bunch of secrets, hehehe. Ha sorry i'm really weird. No but in all seriousness thank you so much for reading i really appreiciate it!

Thanks again!


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