Chapter: 46

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Mark POV

  "Grace? Its me!" I said while knocking at the door, no one answered. She must be out with Isabella or something. Thats a shame i was really looking forward to seeing her, i mean what if she decides i'm not the one before i get to tell her all the reasons why i am...

Rose POV

   Once i got my self together for the most part i didn't know what to do with myself. Part of me was mad at myself, but there was this side of me that wanted revenge on Dylan. In my heart i knew it was more my fault, but in my head it felt good to blame somebody for my mistakes, you know? 

   I decided instead of going to my normal resources like Bella or Grace, i decided i would go to one of my good but older friends. Um, how about Jacob? Yeah, he is always there for everybody, he will know how to cheer me up. 

   On my way to the elevator i was kinda oblivious of everything surrounding me. So i didn't know who was going to get into the elevator with me. I was standing there, waiting for the doors to close when it was stopped by a boy...Hayes.

Blake POV

"Hey Belle?" I asked breaking the short silence, i rolled over from being on top of her. 

"Yeah Blakie" She laughed and so did i, we both knew she wasn't serious and that was a stupid name. 

"I want you to tell me everything about you, i don't know you as well as i should. Tell me everything, ranging from favorite color to worst time in your life." This was true, i didn't know too much about her and i should know a lot more considering i am dating her. She smiled and sat up. I put my knees up and my feet against the bed, she sat on my stomach and played with my hands, it was freaking adorable i just couldn't handle it. She was actually pretty light. 

"Ok well ask me some questions." Belle said looking down at me clapping my hands together.

"Ok um, favorite color?" She nodded.

"Definitely green and don't ask why!" She said with a smirk, it's like she read my mind.

   I continued for a pretty longish time, asking her important and not really that important questions learning more and more about her by the second. I loved it. I had a few more questions to ask though. It's not like we minded, we were both having a pretty good time.

"What's the best experience that you've ever had." She blushed and looked like she could kiss me a million times.

"ok, i don't want this to sound corny, but first off i don't have a 'without a doubt' answer but one of my favorites is well..." There was a few seconds of silence, like she was afraid to say it to me out loud and stopped moving my hands for a second. I nudged her playfully to go on, and she nodded.

"To be completely honest, Blake. When I met you. That very moment lead me to everything great that followed. You gave me that, you gave me this, right now. You showed me what having a boyfriend is like, what it's like to have someone other than family like you. Blake, you showed me what love is." I was speechless...

Sydney POV

   My life has been pretty plain ever since Hayes had broken up with me two days ago i'm pretty sure. Although i've realized i've been hanging out with Carter and a few other people a lot more, but i didn't mind. Is it weird that i wasn't even fazed by Hayes breaking up with me, to be quite honest i just didn't like him as much as i thought i did. Everything i did to get Hayes and date him just doesn't seem worth it now that i look back on it, like how much i hurt Blake and all that, putting Belle in the middle that was a terrible of me to do that. 

"Hey carter do you want to go for a walk, i want to go see some stuff i mean we are in HollyWood for cryin out loud." He nodded and smirked, to my surprise when i got up he grabbed my hand. I didn't pull away, i actually held it back...

Rosie POV

   "Hayes don't even look at me!" I was raising my voice louder than i planned to, but i didn't care it was just me and him in the elevator. 

"What happened?" Now i felt what Shawn felt, you know. The whole 'Don't act stupid'. 

"Me and Shawn broke up thanks to you and now i a-" I got cut off by a sudden lips against mine. Well this was new. I pulled away quickly.

"Hayes? What was that for!" He looked down and smirked.

"You know, i told Shawn that for a reason..." He was blushing, did he really tell Shawn that just for this very reason. I don't exactly know what happened at that moment, but i kinda just turned on this switch in my brain that said i like him now. I slammed our lips together so hard his back got shoved really hard into the elevator wall. I can't believe i am doing this, i know that i'm just using him as my re-bound. I just couldn't help but not care. He was now holding on to my hips and my hands were on his face. I bet you can picture this scene in your head, it was very um whats the word "dramatic". 

   After a while of this he grabbed my thigh and brought it up to his waist, what the f*ck am i doing? Yet i didn't stop it, i liked it. I liked the fact that i moved on quickly, i liked the fact that he wanted me so badly he was willing to do such terrible things, i liked how everything was moving quickly and i didn't have to thing about what was right and wrong. All that mattered to me was that i had a guy and nothing else mattered at that moment... and i loved it.


Hey guys! I know my chapters are starting to get worse and worse, but i am trying so just stick with me. I still at least hope you liked it some what. Thanks for reading, you guys have no idea how much it means to me! Ok well i'll be posting another chapter tomorrow night as usual, so until then good night!

Thanks again!


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