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12:00am, lunch

With my reading glasses at the bridge of my nose I looked out to Andres and his possey of love struck girls and jerks of a friends.

We made eye contact and I hurriedly put my head down causing my glasses to fall off. I reached for them on the ground when a cold hand pressed into mine. I snatched my hand away with a gasp and looked up quickly.

Of course my head had a make out session with Andres as he stumbled back clutching his chin.

"I'm so, so sorry!" I grabbed his arm while he was chuckling. "Follow me."

My eyebrows scrunched together, "Excuse me, how hard did I hit you?" He smiled and grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me to the lunch doors. We made it to his car and I was so confused.

He put out his pointer finger as I stood with my arms crossed. This guy right here.

He finally pulled out somthing and hid it behind his back. "Hurry up now lunch is almost over." I tapped my foot.

"Alright, alright, alright," He revealed what was in his hands and I tried my hardest to refrain from smiling. I couldn't.

Bright yellow daisy's were held out with a goofy smile plastered on his undeniable cute face.

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