Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to The Dean to my Castiel

As strange as it all sounds, everything started when Gerard was late to the movies.

He’d been in the tattoo parlour with Mikey, his younger brother, when he’d spotted a young tattooed guy finishing off some biker guy’s arm piece. For minutes Gerard had stood transfixed, watching the guy dig the needle into the man’s arm and slowly shape a dragon wing. He’d been snapped from his trance when Mikey clicked his fingers in his face.

“Coming? Ray just got off,” he said, waving over at the big haired man packing up his station.

“Oh, uh…yes…” Gerard’s eyes were drawn back to the same guy who was now working on the end curve of the wing. It was an impressive piece.

“Gerard?” Mikey asked, poking his older brother’s arm. “Hello? Earth to G-man?” Mikey followed Gerard’s gaze and sighed. “Your whole ’needles are evil’ campaign is stupid, y’know?” he pointed out.

“Huh?” Gerard jumped a little and his attention turned back to Mikey. “No, this isn’t about that…” He pointed subtly at the guy at the back of the parlour. “Who’s he? I like the piece he’s working on.”

Mikey raised an eyebrow. “Thinking of getting something done?” he teased, one of his rare smiles lighting his features.

Gerard’s eyes widened and he clapped a hand over his arm. “God no…” he shuddered. He rubbed his arm slowly, his eyes drifting back to the mystery tattoo artist. “Just wondering who he was.”

“Ahh,” Mikey replied, his face filled with understanding. “You think he’s hot.”

“What? No!” Gerard yelped, outraged. “I do not!”

“Who’s hot? Wait, it’s me isn’t it?” Ray appeared beside Mikey, pulling on his leather jacket. “It’s always me. I’m just so handsome.”

Mikey rolled his eyes. “Yes, Ray. You’re just that mind-blowingly sexy that we’re all swooning,” he said sarcastically. His face filled with mischief and he hip-checked Gerard. “Gerard has the hots for the short guy over there.”

Ray’s eyebrows raised and he looked where Mikey was now pointing. “You got the hots for him? I wouldn’t bro, I mean, he’s a good guy but he’s not looking for anyone right now. Recent bad breakup.”

“I don’t like him!” Gerard defended, his eyes still on the tattoo the guy in question was still working on.

“Keep denying it, Gee. We can all see it in your eyes, which by the way, haven’t moved from him.” Mikey said with a grin.

“It’s true, Gee. You’re obviously in love,” Ray sighed, leaning his head on Gerard’s shoulder.

Gerard rolled his eyes and pushed Ray from his shoulder. “Get off me, you dick,” he half-teased. “I only wanted to know who he was.”

Mikey suddenly grabbed Ray’s arm, his phone out. “Come on, we’re going to be late for the movie!” he said, tugging Ray along. Gerard followed behind the two as they made their way to the front door. That was, of course, until he bumped into someone.

“Oh, sorry!” Gerard apologized, getting down on one knee and picking up all the paperwork the person had dropped. “I wasn’t looking and-“

“Dude, it’s fine,” Gerard looked up and met the eyes of the guy he had been staring at. “No harm done.” A smile lit up the guy’s face and Gerard stood up slowly, handing the papers back.

“I’m Gerard…” Gerard said quietly, offering the guy his hand to shake. “Gerard Way.”

“Frank,” the guy said, taking his hand and shaking it. “Frank Iero.”

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