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Raven's POV:

I woke up with a jerk and I hit my head on the metal above me.

I started rubbing my head when Beastboy spoke up,

"She's awake!"

I started piecing together where I was and figured out that I was in the medical wing with Starfire on the bed beside me.

"Cyborg?" I ask.


"What did you inject me with earlier?"

"Just a sleep med. It looked like you were having trouble staying awake and falling asleep, so...Yeah."

"Thanks." I mumbled so quite that it was barely audible.

Cyborg smiled extremely wide after that.

Slowly, everyone left and eventually star did too.

I was all alone. Again.

I fell asleep again but this time I was healing myself.

Robin said we had a *huge* mission soon.

'Can't wait for that!'

Note the sarcasm.

Teen Titans: RavenWhere stories live. Discover now