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(She has that highpony tail which is fading into purple lowlights and the bow is purple.)

Ugh. School.

All because of Robin's dumb idea.

I woke up because of Starfire but I can't eat breakfast because I need to meet everyone else and get my stuff organized. I know I have 4 hours before the class actually starts, but I like to stay ahead.

I grab some clothes from my closet and throw it on.

I look in the mirror.


Usually I don't really mind if it's decent (at least) but my outfit just looks hilarious.

I change out of my clothes and take a shower.

After that I dry my long hair.

I grew I out but I doubt anyone noticed.

I feel so odd when I'm looking normal. With the blonde hair and pale skin.

At least I didn't put makeup on like Starfire. But she put a little too much for learning. I'm not one to judge though, so I look at my clothes one more time and pick out a few outfits. I decide to pick the one that suits the weather
(In media above)

I leave the tower and teleport to a store nearby then I take off my cloak and tuck it in my bag.

I walk the rest of the way and put my stuff into the room I got assigned. I hope I didn't get some annoying person who likes talking or attention as roommate. If I do, I'm leaving. No doubt about that.

When I enter all I see is pink.
Whoever my roommate is sure loves pink.


I get my stuff out and I can practically see the line between our room.

Where the pink ends and the 'darkness' starts. I find the dark comforting, but others find it creepy. I've never met anyone who appreciates what I like. They don't even have to like it, just don't judge me!

I'm starving....

I'll just go to the cafeteria to eat. No one will be there so I don't have to deal with people yet.

I take one more look around the room and leave.

Teen Titans: RavenWhere stories live. Discover now