The Surprise Before Class Part 2

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Raven's POV:

"Let's go check on their date!"
"BB, you weren't supposed to say it that directly!"

"....But will you?" Cyborg said.

"No." I glared at Cyborg once again.

"I wanna know how my lil sis is doing on her first date. So please, Raven?"

He used to call me 'lil sis' and starfire was 'Star'. What am I now?

"Well, Rae?"
"I told you not to call me that, Beastboy." I say sternly.

They both make over exaggerated sad faces and I can't take it anymore. It's too creepy.

Coming from me, it's pretty bad.

"Fine!" I quickly say.

"Great! Let's go."

"But wear your school clothes and bring your bag. We have to get to school 10 minutes after."

I nod then I take off my cloak.
I'm already wearing my school clothes under.


We make it to their date site, a park, and they greet us.

Jason walks up behind us and says,

"Hey Robin. Why'd you invite me here?"

"I invited you all here for fun."

"While you're on your date?"
Cyborg asks.

"Yeah. Well, our date already ended and we wanted to hangout with you guys."

He nods at Robin.

It feels weird since we're all wearing school clothes. I'm just not used to it.
The rest of the the morning they kept talking and laughing.

I kept my mouth shut except for a few remarks and waited for this hell to be over with.

It's just always akward for me, not anyone else. Makes sense why, though.

It's times like this when I miss Machilor. He seems like the only one who ever cared for me. My mother hates me, my father is a interdimentional demon, and sometimes—no. All of the time, my friends don't understand me at all.

I wasn't listening to what they said until Starfire almost slipped then Robin caught her.

They were leaning in and then they kissed lightly. Practically right infront of me.

I back away and realize, demons don't find love. Just look at my father and mother.

I feel myself losing control of my powers so I tell Cyborg,

"We should let them have some time alone." I say.

Right as I say that, they pull apart and it starts to rain.

They smile and Robin says,

"We should probably go back."

They all agree and leave.

But I stay and sit.

I sit down watching the sun rise which feels like hours passing by every minute.

"He's not worth it."
I turn around, startled by this new voice and realized it's Jason.


"Robin's not worth it." He said.

I was about to argue that I don't like Robin but he speaks first.

"I see the way you look at him, with love in your eyes."

"But he's making the strong girl I've seen into this soft one.

"Are you okay?"

I look at him  directly in eyes for the first time since he started this conversation.

His eyes have the sky trapped within them.

I can't help but smile at him. But then I stop.

"You don't know me, Jason."

"That is true but I know that you keep a strong face on just from these few hours I've known you." He said. Then added,

"But seriously, are you okay?"

"Not really," I answer truthfully.

"Then let's talk to take your mind off him."

We start talking for an extremely long amount of time and I find out that we have a lot of stuff in common and that his family wasn't amazing either. I don't know why I'm trusting him but I feel like, for some unknown reason, I can trust him.

He told me that he's Robin's age but he failed the year before.

I feel like I've known him forever. This is also the closest I've ever been with anyone, and just in less then a fricken day!

We walk to school and realize that we're 40 minutes late.

We start running the rest of the way and make it to our class.

"Sorry we're late." Jason said, speaking for both of us.

I look at him and then realized that I didn't sweat, and that's normal because I do much harder things.

But he didn't swear either. Maybe he works out a lot.... Or he's one of us. I don't recognize him so I'm going with the first one.

The professor warns us for being extremely late then moved us to our seats.

(Left to right if you were looking directly at them from the front)


The most annoying people are in my group....Except for Jason.

I sit next to Speedy and Jason and she immediately gives us (Jason and I) the assignment everyone started working on.

We have to write about each other. Simple stuff about what they like, their lives, interests, hobby's, etc...

We have to write a 5 page paper on the person.

Pretty simple for the first day.

(A/N: I know in college people pick different courses, but I wanted to do a highschool type of thing so that there's more interaction during class. So it's more like highschool with older people)

We have to pick a person from the group to write about. But we can't do something like 'Beastboy picks Roy and Roy picks Beastboy'. Extremely specific details are added.

Choosing is going to be akward.

"Let's just pick from a hat." Roy says, taking off his hat.

We pick and we are doing:
(Person-Person they are doing)

It's complicated remembering this so I wrote it down.

I'm actually pretty glad that Jason is interviewing me. He already knows the most about me out of everyone else.

"Alright class, you did great today so get this bag on your way out."

All the kids rushed to the door and stayed there.

They were having trouble finding the bag with their name on it.

I was the last one to go and I got the purple bag with my name on it.

I thank her then leave the class.

She noticed what everyone was wearing and based off that and their behavior, gave them something. I think I know who the nice professor is.

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