17. A day at Disney

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Phil and I woke up, cuddled up in our bed this time. We had talked a little bit more before we actually fell asleep. Phil apologized again about 50 times even though I'd already forgiven him, Phil said he had been here with his parents but never with just friends. They all told me that I'd have fun but might want to stay away from the wild rides since I was somewhat afraid of heights, we had found that out when we got on the plane. Although maybe I was afraid of planes. Either way I was going to avoid extravagant rides. I knew a bit about how they worked so I also knew how easily they could stop working.

We all got down to the shuttle while PJ and Louise were arguing about which park we should go to first.

"We should definitely go to Animal Kingdom first, we'd get to see all the cute animals."

"No we should go to Magic Kingdom first."

" What does Magic Kingdom have to offer us? Princesses and princes?"

"And Eeyore and other Winnie the Pooh characters!" Chris chimed in and my ears perked up.

" Winnie the Pooh?! The yellow bear?!"

Phil smiled at me wrapping his arm around me " Yes bear, they have Winnie the Pooh there."

"We need to go there first!" I watched it all the time when I was younger and even became almost unhealthily obsessed with it. Phil already knew about it so my reaction didn't surprise him. When I told him about me liking it he found the movies so we watched a few of his house. Sometimes I even gotten up in the middle of the night to watch another one.

"Well there's also to other parts we could go to. Hollywood Studios and Epcot."

"What's Epcot?"

"It's like an International park where you go to different countries and see a little bit of what the scenery is like there."

"Do they have Japan?"

"Yep! Japan, Italy, Norway, America, England."

"Let's go there!"

"We all have to agree on one though."

"Epcot's fine with me and Chris."

"Alright what about you and Louise? Epcot fine?"

"Yeah, it's the closest I'll ever get to Paris."

"Epcot it is then." Phil smiled and looked around the shuttle, "You really like Japan huh?"

"Yeah it's really pretty and aesthetically pleasing and it's the closest I'll ever get to it since I can't go up there"

Louise looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. "Why can't you go?"

"That part of the world is exactly the friendliest place for a Neko. He would have to wear a collar and lead just to be allowed in. People would still be rude even if he did have one."

"I really don't mind Having to wear one."

"It's degrading. you're just like us so we're going to treat you the same as we treat each other."

"Still, it'll let me go more places if we just had one just in case."

"If you want one I'm not going to keep you from getting one I just wouldn't ever /make/ you wear one."

"I don't want one, I was just making a point."

"Alright, Well you'll get to go to this one at least."

"Yeah it'll be fun." I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder while we waited until the shuttle stopped in front of the park.

We all climbed off the shuttle and waited in line before the end it didn't take that long because we had bought our tickets online beforehand. Once we all got inside the park there was another argument about where we should go first.

"Louise the logical thing would be to start of with the different countries and make our way back to future world."

"Future world is big and futuristic all the other countries are modernized and we already know what other countries are like, America, and United Kingdom."
"But there's 2 different countries."

"Which is why we should go to the countries second. We just ate breakfast there's no possible way you can be hungry this soon PJ"

"We let Dan decide where to go the first time, where do you think we should go Dan?"

"Will we get to see Japan even if we don't go there first?"
"Yes Bear, we're here all day"

"Let's go to future world, it seems fun."
"Future World it is then. Sorry PJ you lost." Phil reached over and grabbed my hand as we started walking towards Spaceship Earth, or the big golf ball near the entrance. It was pretty fun although it was more of a tour than a ride.

The next place we went to was the Character Spot which was where a bunch of the Disney characters were and we could take pictures with them. Eventually we got to the international showcase, we had bought something from almost every country even if it was just candy, or a shirt, or a hat. We all bought at least something, we didn't buy anything at the UK spot since we already had access to all the candy and snacks they had, up at home. We all ended up eating lunch in different countries, so we could all get something we wanted. On our way back to the hotel everyone was almost asleep except for Phil, who was still fully awake. My head had slipped off his shoulder and into his lap which was actually much more comfortable than his shoulder. He was slowly running his fingers through my hair, occasionally stopping to pet my ears making me purr softly.

"You're sleepy aren't you bear?"

I nodded softly and yawned. "It was kind of a long day considering most of our days include cuddling, Netflix, and the occasional make out session."

I want again and spoke quietly. "Yeah, it was a lot of walking but lots of fun. I'm glad we picked there for the first day."

Phil smiled softly. "Good, I was worried you wouldn't have fun."

"Of course I would've had fun anyway because you're here."

He giggled quietly as the shuttle came to a halt. "We're back at hotel, better wake everyone up."

I sat up slowly and blinked at him "Yeah." I leaned over to the seats in front of us and tapped on Chris and Pj, then tapping Louise, who was behind us. "We're at the hotel."

I grabbed one of Phil and my bags then stepped outside the hotel going up to our room.

Phil unlocked it with his key and we walked in setting the bags down at the foot of the bed.

"Still sleepy?"

I nodded slowly and pulled my pants off before falling onto the bed curling up under the covers. He chuckled quietly while doing the same and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

Cuddling was my favorite part of sleeping with Phil. He was the best cuddler. He was naturally warm and soft. It was great.

"You can sleep we've got even more walking to do tomorrow."

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