18. The Rest of Disney

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Warning: non-con activities done by a minor character to a major character

The next day we went to Magic Kingdom, where all the princesses and characters were. The rides here were smaller but there was a lot of them. We actually saw more shows than rides that day. Magic Kingdom also had Winnie the Pooh characters and a few from the Aristocats. Although the only good part of Magic Kingdom in my opinion was all the characters.

After Magic Kingdom, we went to Hollywood Studios. Phil said that this park had good food and rides, but it also had a lot shows and little movies we could watch. The park seemed fun but I was too scared to ride any of the rides like the roller coaster or the Tower of Terror. Phil seemed like he really wanted to ride both with me. I already rode Space Mountain with him. I hated roller coasters but I was going to try both of them because they wanted me to go with them.

"Are you excited to ride it?"

I nodded and smiled softly even though I was shaking.

"I haven't ridden it since I was a kid. I hope it's as good as I remember."

"I'm sure it will be."

"I just remember that it went outside down a lot there are a lot of Neon Lights."

"It goes upside down?"

"Yeah a few times, it's fun though. I'm sure you'll like it."

"I probably will."

Phil stared at me and stepped closer. "You don't have to ride it bear. I just thought it would be fun."

"No it's fine I want to. Besides everyone else is riding it too."

"I won't ride it if you don't want to."

"I want to it's fine."


A bit after that we all got to the ride and as Phil said there are lots of flips and turns and it was completely dark with the exception of a few neon signs. It wasn't that bad but it was also something I would ride again.

"So how was it?"

"Scary and loud."

"It wasn't that loud.."

"My ears made it louder and I could hear whenever it creaked or anything."

"I'm guessing you don't want to ride it again?"

"Not really.."

"Do you mind if I ride it again, Chris doesn't want to ride it again either so you won't be alone."

"Go ahead. I'm sure Chris and I can find something else to do." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Have fun."

He smiled back and kiss my nose. "I will."

They got back back in line with the Louise and Pj while Chris and I sat on a bench near the exit of the ride.

"Are you hungry at all Dan?"

"Not really, you can go eat something if you are. I'll be fine here."

"You sure? You can just come with me?"

"I'll be fine.I'm almost an adult now remember"

Chris smiled softly and got up "I guess you're right. I'll be right back." and he walked off towards the food carts.


I wasn't sure how I got here but I was in Cat's hotel room. I just remember telling her to let me go and let me go back to Phil but as usual she ignored me. She said that she has something fun for me although it didn't seem fun nothing about this did.

I was standing by the door almost leaving many times but I kept stopping myself for some reason. I didn't want to be near her I didn't like her. "Phil's probably wondering where I am..."

"He's not. Don't worry Danny."

Only Phil called me Danny. It sounded so strange when she said it.

"You've got to live a little. Relax and enjoy it. come sit down"

She knew I was going to listen. I couldn't just not listen even if I didn't want to, I still had to that's what I was told my whole life.

Don't fight back.

And she knew that. She knew I wouldn't fight back, it's not my instinct. I had to just sit back and wait.

"Danny come sit down by me."

I slowly let go of the doorknob and walked over to her "I-I really don't think I should be here. I need to find Phil."

"Just come sit down."

I finally sat down trying to keep my distance but she wanted me closer. Why wasn't Phil looking for me? Cat moved closer and turned to face me "Can we have a bit of fun now? Phil doesn't have to know."

"D-Doesn't have to know what?"

"Danny, I know you've done this with him before just do what you did when you get this." She leaned in and kissed me but I didn't kiss back. It felt strange, and cold, dark even. I had never kissed a girl before. I didn't even /like/ girls.

I quickly pulled away and stared at her. "Cat, I don't like girls."

"How do you know if you've never been with one." She started to kiss me again when her phone rang. She groaned and picked it up, looking at me. "Don't open your mouth and don't get up." She put the phone up to my ear and answered in a much happier tone. "Hey Phil!, how's your vacation? What?! Dan's missing?! Oh that's terrible! help you find him, good luck." She hung up and put her phone down to the side. "Where were we?"

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