Sanada Yukimura X Reader (part 1 )

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Hey everyone ~
Sorry for not update in the last 2 weeks :(
It was my collage exams
and finally I finished ♡♡
Let's start ^^

Your POV

It was so dark, the cold heavy rain drops were attacking my weak body, I was running through the woods , chains around my wrist , the lightning lights the way from a while to another.

Fear, cold , weak, tired .. All that feelings won't stop me !
I'll survive ... I'll survive .. somehow ...
I heard a sound .. It's like .. purl .. , well I'm not sure cause of the rain noise , I ran toward the sound ... then I stopped on the edge when I saw that revir.

" It's. .. revir ... *pant* ... If I kept walking.... *pant* .. this way I'll reach ... the village .. "

I said in throaty tone. . My vision blurred. . and I felt so dizzy .

everything became darker and darker ...
I was about to fall into that raging revir .. but I felt a strong arm grabbing my waist so tight and pulling me back .

Yukimura's POV

I pulled the girl back , I was completely terrified .. is she okay ?!
what happened to this girl ?!

I placed her head into my chest

" HEY ! are you okay ?? You hurt? .. Wake up! ! "
I actually screamed at her. . But she was unconscious .
What the hell this girl was doing in this wood alone ... This place is dangerous .. also .. If she came from that way. . It means that she came from Oda Nobunaga's land ...

I gazed at her face.. her lips were soft blue color .. I felt her little body shivering in my hands cause of the cold.

"Don't worry. ... you'll be fine .. I promise "

I looked up and It seemed that the rain already stopped , that's good ...

I decided to don't make a move 'till the dawn .. or 'till the mysterious girl wake up .

I sat underneath large Oak Tree , I covered her cold body with my brown long cap to give her warmth .. I know it's not enough .. but that's better than nothing , I tried to place her back to the tree .. but that was useless .. she falls on her side
"Damn! "
I rubbed my hair and let a long sigh go .

I placed her head on my shoulder trying to comfort her .. I looked to her peaceful sleeping face..
And I could feel the heat in my cheeks .. " So ... B...beautiful .. "
I muttered .
She moved trying to turn to her other side which caused the most of her upper body to fall in my LAP! !!

My cheeks blazed .

I tried hard to move her body without waking her up .. but.. every single move I do .. Makes the situation even worst .
"That's useless ... "
I just feel so embarrassing it ended by A beautiful girl sleeping in my lap like that!!

I tried to ignore what happens, I furrowed my eyebrows and closed my eyes tightly trying to sleep .. Luckily I fall asleep after a little while.

3 hours later

Your POV

I never felt a warm like this before , It's so comfortable... and warm .. , I pressed myself to that hot soft stuff , I heard a sound comes from it ... It's like .. beating or something .. , beating .. heart beating ?! What the hell.. ?
I opened my eyes lazily .. I really didn't want to wake up !!

"Hmm... " I raised my head slowly and tried to focus on that thing .. which seemed like ...a mucled chest ? ..
I closed my eyes again " He's so warm~~ .. "
I muttered
Wait a minute ...
I got up , I was completely shocked when I saw that brown haired guy sleeping and I was damn lying on his lap !!!

"KYAAAAA ~~~ "

I screamed out loud and PUSHED him away from me , which cause him to wake up with a shocked features on his face .

I screamed again when he just interrupted me by putting his hand on my mouth and pushed me against the ground , he was in top of me ... so close ...

"PLEASE ! Don't scream like that , I--I'm so so so sorry but It was just an accident ! I didn't mean to touch you GOMENASAI ! I just want to help !I knew you need help when I saw you on the edge !y-you were about to fall but I pulled you !! then you fainted! I'm not Hentai !I'm not a bad person ! My name is Sanada Yukimura .. I'm from Kai and you can trust me !!! You understand ????! "

He said extremely fast and perplexedly..

I was starting at him like an idiot

... what the hell this guy talking about .. *-*

I nodded to him .. so he sighed and removed his hand from my mouth ..

"That's good .. " he smile to me .
I just noticed that we are so close to each other and he still in top of me !!!
I blushed hard .

"c--can you p..please get away from me now ??! "
I said in nervous tone .

His eyes widen , his face turned red and he jumped back
"... I....I..I'm so sorry! .. "
He rubbed the back of his neck .

His features turned to calm and deep features... his eyebrows forrowed when he saw the chains around my wrist...

"who are you .. ?! "
He asked in deep tone .


Well well ! Tell me If you liked it :D 🍃🌸
Cause may I do part 2 of this !

Please don't forget to vote and tell me what you think of this ! :D ❤ ❤

See you soon ~

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