Destruction Of That Town

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Nice: YOU GUYS ARE GOING ON A KILLING SPREE!? Let me come, Faceless man!! If you don't i'll hunt you in your dreams....

BEN: Let her come, Slendy... *puts an arm around her shoulder*

Nice: DoN't ToUcH mE sHoRtY...

BEN: Hey, I'm taller than you!

Nice: Shut up! Your eyes are plastic!

BEN and Nice kept arguing until Slendy yelled with a mad face.

Slendy: Stop you two!! You can see I'm mad now!!

Creepypastas and Nice: Nope...

Jeff: You got no face remember!

Slendy: Ugh...I can't live with you people anymore..

Creepypastas: We're Creepypastas not people..


Slendy: Fine...Nice can come!

Nice: Yay! Tank you, Faceless man! Hope you get hitten by a train!

E.J: I'm afraid of Nice now...

The boys: We we're afraid of Nice since she stepped in our house...

Jane: We're happy that Nice came!!

Sally: Yeah, Nice is more suitable to wear a dress and a hat than BEN, Jeff and E.J!

E.J: Why don't you let Masky and Hoodie play with you.

Sally: Because they are the butlers!

BEN, Jeff and E.J: Why are you so cruel to us...

Masky and Hoodie: Where's Nice?

Then suddenly a report showed on T.V.

Reporter: BREAKING NEWS: In the town of I-AM-TO-LAZY-TO-THINK-OF-A-NAME. The houses their now are now burning causing 200 people to die.. The trees we're cutted off it was like a person with destruction just walked by.

Creepypastas: Nice!!!


At that town ((A/N: Their mayor is that guy and citizens are that dudes!!))

Jeff: Nice!!

Slendy: Nice! Where art tou, Nice!

Sally: Stop it, Slendy... It hurts my ears..

BEN: Nice Aila Kayle Cortez!!

E.J: Why do you know her full name?...

BEN: Uhh...Found it in the internet!!

Jane: Mm-hmm...You little stalker!

Masky: Look guys! I found Nice! I think she's dead...LETS BURRY HER!!!

They rushed to the sleeping figure as they looked at it

Masky: Awie.. She's not dead.

Hoodie: I like it when shes asleep..

BEN: *Carries her*

Jeff: You'll become shorter if you carry her. *carries her instead*

E.J: Let me carry her... *carries her instead*

The three of them kept arguing who will carry her while Slendy took her.

Slendy: Lets go children before we get caught.

Jeff: Why are you the one carrying her!?

Slendy: Because I'm faceless!!

Nice: Ahaha...Faceless dude got hitten by a train...

Unknown Girl: Wow...Those creepypastas changed alot.

Unknown Boy: Nah.. Slendy is still faceless, Jeff has no eyelids and still got a empty bird brain, BEN is still short as ever.


Wow! Who might that Unknown people be!?

Please read the next chappy!

Dre the Demon is out peace!!

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