The Beginning

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Before you start reading this I want to tell all of you that this is my first time writing a story and uploading it so if you don't like it I completely understand, but if you do go ahead and favorite this story. It'll mean a lot.

Samantha's POV

Time 7:30 am

Day 1

I'm awake now thanks to my alarm. Why cant I ever get enough sleep? it doesn't matter anyway, I'm awake and I wont be able to go to sleep again. What day is it? October 20 and I still haven't figured out what to give Angelin yet. should I get her Attack on Titan shirt? No, I should give her a Naruto jacket, or should I buy her a death note journal. Ill think about it later. Right now I need to go to school otherwise i'll be late again.


Time 7:50

Math class is so freaking boring especially when school barely started about a month ago so they just teach you the same thing you learned last year. But my friend are all in this class so its not as bad. I don't even realize that the teacher was calling me until Alan nudges my rib.

''hmm,'' he points at the teacher ,''oh, umm, what was the question again?''

"if you aren't gonna pay attention then you shouldn't be in this class Samantha you know what I expect from all of you so you should at least pay attention and answer my questions,'' this is bullshit why is it always me that gets called on. Even Vincent the one that probably goofs off more than I do doesn't even called on as much as me. Once she finishes talking she sets out the notes she wants us to take then she hands out our assignment and goes outside. I quickly write down my notes and finish my work in ten minutes. even if I don't pay attention I still end up getting good grades. I'm in this class for a reason Ms. Mahan. I show Alan my answers so he can check if he got them right, of course he got them correct also.He to isn't in this class for no reason. I take out my book and begin reading I look up from my book and notice that Debbie one of my friends looks really sick, not like a stomach ache or a small cough, more like a loud cough and a face that looks like she would faint at any moment. I want to ask her if she's okay but before I do Ms.Mahan walks In the class. Maybe ill ask her on our advisory class since that's the next class we have, or maybe when class ends. I decide to continue reading my book since there's nothing to do. Once class ends I walk over to Debbie but I keep my distance just incase.

''Are you okay, you seem a little sick'' I tell her.

''I'm fine just a little cough'' yeah right, is what I want to say but instead I tell her to go to the nurse just in case. I go to one of my favorite classes, orchestra, and begin to unpack my cello when Amaya, one of my friends, says ,''I'm kind of worried about Kenyon he doesn't look well, he looks like he might faint any moment,'' I stop for a second then ask ,''Has he been coughing a lot, like really hard that you think their lungs will get coughed out?''

''Sort of but what do you think could be wr-''

"The same thing was happening to Debbie, she was coughing a lot and she looked like she was a walking corpse.

"do you think they have the flu or something?''

"It cant be the flu, even if it is a cough they wouldn't look like that, or does the flu actually work like that, I've never had it before so I don't know''

"Its probably nothing'' she said and then left.


I cant think of anything to write. I could write about aliens or zombies or maybe even about a character in an anime. Nah ill just write a simple two page essay about cats.

''Hey'' Angelin whispers.


"where's Dustin I haven't seen him all day''

"oh ummm I don't know maybe he's sick or something'' Dustin had actually told me that his sister had gotten really sick over night and that she had fainted in the morning. He told me not to tell anyone since he didn't want anyone worrying about his sister. I think he told me specifically since I'm the only one who can keep a secret for more than five minutes. I didn't even realize that it was time to leave, so I ended up turning in a half completed essay before I left the classroom.

I head to the cafeteria and sit at a table for eight [Alan, Annie, Angelin, Austin, Marc, Amaya, Nick, and Me]funny how the second I sit down Austin kisses me on the cheek and sits down right next to me.

"Hey'' I tell him and I begin to eat my food a few minutes later everyone is sitting down and eating there food, except Alan. Its his own fault for forgetting to bring his lunch. Everyone was talking about the trip we were going, even if it had cost a thousand dollars [we were going to New York and we had to pay for a few things, and by we I mean our parents] a lot of people were going. I was looking around the room and I see that Debbie hasn't touched her food. That's odd she always eats the food she has or if she doesn't she gives it to a friend. Then out of know where she gets up and runs to the restroom I decided to follow her cause I didn't think she was okay. ''guys I'm gonna use the restroom''

"Ok'' they say. Then I follow her in. I hear her vomiting inside the bathroom and then I hear a thud. What the hell is going on? I go over to the stall she had entered, she didn't even lock the door, so I slowly open the door and I nearly vomit at the horrendous site. There was blood all over the floor and Debbie was on the floor unconscious maybe even worse.Dead. I'm about to run and call for help when her body suddenly starts making seizure like movements her body then starts twisting in ways that could have broken her spinal cord and neck. she then slowly starts getting up and her bones are still cracking. but the scariest thing was probably her eyes there were no pupils just white and her veins were showing all over her face and arms. she then charged at me. Her speed was very similar to when she was...alive?how? I don't understand her bones were practically all broken they had to be, she had to be dead, yet she was moving as if none of the broken bones had hurt her. I run and she runs after me. I have to think this through if I run outside the bathroom everyone will see and then Debbie might attack them and people will get hurt, but if I stay here ill have to kill her if she' not already dead and if someone were to walk in they would get the wrong idea. should I risk my life or should I risk the lives of others? I had run out of time and before I knew it she had pinned me down to the floor. I struggled for a while and I managed to get my arm free. I grabbed the pocket knife I always take with me and I stab her in the stomach. She didn't even wince. How was I supposed to kill someone who was already dead? I stabbed her in the head this time it actually did something. She howled in pain and began to go limp. Was she dead? Had I killed her? all of these feelings rushed through me. How was I supposed to explain this to anyone? I couldn't stand the smell of death so I washed my arms and face and the I left to go get my friends. I couldn't just leave them here.

''guys we have to go now''

''What why what are you talking about Samantha what happened?'' before I could explain anything sirens rang out all over the school and by the time we were outside I realized that the sirens weren't just at the school they were on throughout the entire neighborhood.

"Samantha what's going on?''

''I don't know, but whatever it is its not good...guys Debbie tried to kill me.''

"what, what do you mean she tried to kill you?''

"I don't know one moment she was on the floor dead and the other moment she was lunging at me and trying to kill me.''

''What do you mean dead...what did you do?''

I never wanted to say these words out loud but I knew I had to and I couldn't deny what I did

"I killed her....''

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