chapter 3

65 3 6

Alan's POV

Time 12:40

I can't take the image out of my head. To think that someone would eat another person is just unthinkable, but what started it? Samantha said that Debbie had attacked her, what would have happened if Samantha hadn't killed Debbie would Sam be dead? No don't think like that she's alive that all that matters, everyone is alive. Well us 8 are anyway. what happened to Kenyon wasn't normal someone did this, but who? And how?
"Alan, we need to get in your truck, your the only one that has a car," said Samantha
"Y-yeah sure" I was the only one that had a car and it was best for us to travel together just in case something happened. We get In the truck Annie next to me Amaya, Nick and Marc in the back seat, Samantha, Austin and Angelin had to go in the back of the truck. We didn't know where to go first so I asked ," I think we should go to your house since it's closer" said Annie. "okay." I then headed towards home. How little did I know that I wouldn't be calling it home for long.

In about ten minutes we're there. I exit the car and enter my house, "Mom?Dad?" No answer.
"Are they supposed to be home by now?" I didn't even know Samantha was behind me but I didn't care right now, my parents are always here until 7 "MOM? DAD?" again no answer. I head upstairs to their room, I slowly begin to turn the doorknob but I freeze when I hear a growl coming from the other side ,"Alan what is it?" Samantha whispers "Alan" she says a little louder ,"I heard a growl coming from inside the room" is what I said
"What do you want to do" at first I didn't understand but then I realized what she was meant, leave and never figure out what was happening on the other side or stay and enter the room.

I opened the door...

I was only half prepared for what was gonna happen, I didn't expect for my dad to come charging at me the second the door had opened, and I also didn't expect Samantha to hit my dad with my   lamp. I get up and go to my room and grab the knife that was in my nightstand. I exit the room and see Samantha and my dad with the lamp in between them,  Samantha stopping my dad with the lamp pole. I take it as an opportunity to stab my dad in the stomach, but he acted as if nothing had happened "AIM...FOR...THE...HEAD" Samantha said. I stab my dad in the head and he falls to the ground almost instantly. A few tears fall but I knew I had to go, I didn't have time to morn over the death of my dad, or ask why this happened, I knew I had to leave or else I would end up like my dad
" Alan I think it's time we leave." Samantha said
"Yeah j-just let me get a few things." She nodded and told me she would wait outside with the others. I began to grab some clothes, books, photos and some drawings. I went to my moms room, I nearly vomited when I entered it. It smelled like blood and raw meat. I ran out of the room immediately after that and I went downstairs. Before I left I decided to get all the canned food I had in my pantry and the food that didn't need to be cooked. After that I went outside, got in the car and drove away.

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