Chapter 6

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Hi everyone its Sam here with a new chapter hope you enjoy. Please follow comment and favorite.

Alans' POV

the next few moments were a bit of a blur. I remember Angelin being on the floor unconscious with a bleeding head, and her brother Aiden attacking Elaine. after that it was all a bit fuzzy but I remember there being a lot of blood, on my hands and on my shirt and I remember Nick running out the room and Amaya with her hands buried in her face. The others were either next to me helping me try to stop the bleeding from Angelins head or they were trying to help Elaine. Aiden was dead that's for sure Sam had stabbed him with the same blade I had stabbed my dad with. The same thing had happened when I stabbed him his body just went limp like a ragdoll and like that he was dead. After that the only thing I remember was getting in the truck with Angelin and Sam on the back seat Annie was next to me and the others had taken the van that was parked outside.

While we were heading towards the ER to see if there was anything or anyone that could help us the others said that they would go see if there family was okay. When we arrived at the ER no one was there to help us and the glass from the doors had been broken. I grabbed Angelin and carried her to the ER I laid her down inside the closest empty room and I began to look for any staples Sam and Annie were also helping and Annie was the one who found them. I told them to hold Angelin up and I began to staple the cut she had gotten. When we had finished bandaging her head I told them I was gonna go outside to get some air.

When I got far enough so that they wouldn't here I fell on the floor and began to cry. I couldn't believe any of this was happening my parents were dead and one of my closest friends could've died if we hadn't gotten her head healed and not to mention all of her family was dead too. How would she react when she finds out her sister had died and even worse we left her there to turn into one of those things. I cried and screamed as loud as I could not caring if they heard anymore. I began to hear someone walking towards me.

"Alan?" it was Sam, " are you okay," I gave her the look of do you think I'm okay?

"Our friend's unconscious and my parents are dead oh and not to mention we're in the middle of a FUCKING APOCALYPSE. NO IM PERFECTLY FINE!" I had no right to lash out at her like that but I was so mad and angry that all of this was happening. I was expecting her to slap me in the head like she did when we were in sixth grade, but she didn't instead she hugged me and cried as well.

" I know what happened at your house had a big affect on you but you have to be strong. What would your parents want you to do in something like this?" I thought about what she said and said," They would want me to live and fight for them."

"Exactly. If you cant fight for yourself at least fight for them. Don't let them die for nothing" she was right, my parents would never want me to mourn them they would want me to fight for them and be happy. I let go of her and smiled," Thank You for making me realize that."

"What are friends for?" She said and that we went inside and waited for the others to come back.

Hey guys another chapter for you guys and no that wasn't a ship being born it was just a friend comforting another friend who had lost his family. But if you want to think of it like that its fine but just letting you know it won't happen. Anyways please follow comment and favorite.


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