Chapter 8

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...well what happened was I kinda didn't feel like updating after the last chapter for a while, and then school started. but hey its thanksgiving break so ya. 

Time 6:4

Samanthas' POV

Everything felt numb and the tears were falling like crazy. How could my parents be dead? if only I had gotten there sooner,  I could have saved them and they could've still been here with me.

 Why did this have to happen? was this some sort of punishment, if so why? We never did anything wrong. I felt more tears falling and the ground beneath me was soaked. I felt someone grab my shoulder and i looked up to find Alan and the others staring at me. 

That's right, I still had a family and it was them. I couldn't just forget about my parents but I couldn't leave them hanging. If we were going to get through this we were going to have to this together. 

I walk towards them and tell them that we would have to go before anything bad happens. We talked about where we were going to go. Everybody looked at one another to see if they had an idea, but nothing came. It came to realization that we had no idea what to do.  We always said that we were prepared for something like this, but when it happens you get struck with fear and angst. We had to do something otherwise we would be screwed.

"We should just wait here until we can think of something," I heard Austin say. Everyone agreed since it was the only thing we could do. It was around 7 right now so we had to set up everything for the night. We looked around to see if we could find some a flashlight before the sun went down. I was looking in the office when I found one. I tried to turn it on but nothing happened. I checked the battery and of course there were none. I checked the drawers for any but there were none. I went back to where Angelin was sleeping. I found Nick waiting there, " Find anything,"

"A flashlight but it has no batteries," I say ," What about you?" 

"Nothing," I nod as I sit down on a chair next to nick. I wanted to ask him how he was doing, see how well he was handling all of this. I didn't, I knew how he was feeling mainly because that's how nearly everyone else felt. Scared, lost, worried and other emotions that make us wan to crawl into a hole and wait for it to all end. After a few moments of waiting the others come back one by one. No one found any batteries at all.  

"What are we gonna do?" I rack my head to think of something, we could go back to the store and find batteries but that would be to risky or we could make a small little fire in one of the rooms, no that wouldn't be very safe either. t was getting rather old now that it was dark, the hospital had sheets to use so it wasn't much of a problem but we were going to have to think before winter comes, that's if we last long enough till winter. I look at the others and we decide that we'll just have to wait till morning. We set up our beds on the ground and we all go to sleep in silence. 

Im so sorry for not updating but ill try to update more frequently. The next chapter will be up soon since this one was so short.

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