Chapter 2

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been kinda busy, anyway please comment favorite and continue reading this amazingly not amazing story:P

Samantha's POV

Time 12:20

'' I killed her...'' no one said anything. They just stared ,''I didn't have a choice she would've killed me if I hadn't killed her,'' I felt tears threatening to come down. Don't cry you had to do it you would've been killed if you hadn't killed her, you probably did a good thing , if  we didn't kill her someone else would have died.

''Can we can talk about this later we need to go home, we don't know what else has happened at home," I'm grateful that Austin was here he always seemed to make things better.
'' No, not yet anyway, I still need to get Kenyon,'' says Amaya.
''Okay, but we have to be quick we don't know if something happened to our parents'' she nods and we go back inside.We run towards the boys locker room. I'm about to open the door but a scream stopped me. A scream so horrible I thought I would never forget. I turn around towards my friends and they seemed to have heard it too. I didn't want to open the door. Fear washed through my entire body and I couldn't move. Someone was in there in pain and I'm on the other side doing nothing.



Someone's in danger and your here doing nothing.


I slowly begin to open the door every muscle in pain, I couldn't see what was happening until I had opened it completely and I nearly screamed at the horrendous sight in front of me. Would that have happened to me if I hadn't killed Debbie? Would I be getting eaten alive like him? Amaya then screams and almost instantly  Kenyon turns towards us. He had the same eyes Debbie had when she attacked me. What the hell is going on? How the the hell did this happen? Kenyon then starts running towards us "RUN" I push everyone away and shut the door  behind me. We run until we here a loud thud behind us. Kenyon then comes running after us with a speed that's not humanly possible. We couldn't outrun him it wasn't possible, he got closer and closer and I look around to see if I can find anything. I see the fire extinguisher ad grab it as fast as I can. I shoot it towards Kenyon and it blinds him for a while, I take this as an opportunity to hit him in the head. I drop the extinguisher and we run out of the school.

Sorry if you thought the chapter was a little short but I'll be updating soon after this.

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