Chapter 3

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11:47 p.m.

As I laid on my bed the only thing I could think was how happy I was going to be here. AC and Doc seemed like really genuinely nice people.

"Hey kiddo you should probably get some sleep. We've got a big day tomorrow, we're gonna get some school supplies and new outfits for school."


"Good night," she answered with a small smile while closing the door.

6:20 a.m.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The horribly annoying sound of my alarm clock woke me up. Today is Monday, my first day of school. Yesterday I went shopping with Mel (she told me to call her that instead of Doc so I am). We had a lot of fun and I got some new clothes and school stuff.

I get up and take a quick shower washing my body with the vanilla scented body wash that I got yesterday. I then dry my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I throw on a pair of white high waisted jean shorts and a black Adidas top.

As I get down stairs I see that AC is the only one down there.

"Where's Mel?" I ask grabbing an apple from the basket.

"She had to get to work early this morning so you just missed her but she will probably be here when you get home."

"Alright well I should probably get to the bus stop, I'll see you after school?" I ask at the end.

He just nods in response. I head out the door still eating the apple that I took. I sit at the stop waiting for the bus when I finally hear it pulling up.

The door opens and I get on while the bus driver closes it behind me.

As I walk towards the back of the bus everyone looks at me. Honestly it's all very cliche. I finally find a seat near the back. I plug my headphones in and listen to music.

We arrive at the school I will be attending for the next year and a half. I ask someone directions to the office and eventually make my way there after a few wrong turns. On the bright side I now know where the auditorium and janitors closet #3 is.

I walk in and the woman at the desk asks me to sit down and wait for a second. After a few minutes she says I can go in. On my way in I bump into the person coming out of the door. He looks at me and then keeps walking by.

I walk into the office and the principal gives me my schedule.

1)ENGLISH: 8:00-8:55
2)PRE-CALCULUS: 8:58-9:52
3)HISTORY: 9:55-10:49
4)GYM: 10:51-11:26
5)TECH ED: 11:29-12:13
6)LUNCH: 12:18-12:55
7)SPANISH: 12:59-1:47
8)CHEMISTRY: 1:50-2:46

At least I don't have to start of with math. I walk down the hall trying to find my English class. I finally find it and nock on the door. The teacher walks over and opens asking who I am.

"I'm Skye I've just arrived here."

"Well you can sit next to Leo over there." she says pointing to this kid with curly hair over to the side. I walk over and take out my stuff.

The rest of the day goes by quickly and I found that Leo goes by his last name Fitz but all of the teachers refuse to call him that.

"Would you like to sit with me and Simmons?" he asks referring to his friend who goes by her last name.

"Sure, I don't see why not." I answer looking over to him.

After we finish eating we just stay where we are and continue talking. When the bell rings I leave for Spanish with Simmons. The whole class I have no idea what the teacher is saying so I just play on my phone the entire time.

I walk into my last class of the day and go up to the teacher to get all my books for this class. He tells me to grab an empty seat and that we will be switching anyway.

I slide into one and wait as he calls out names to be pairs for the rest of the year.

I zone out until I hear my name being called. Skye Coulson you will be partnered with...




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