Chapter 4

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Skye Coulson you will be paired with Grant Ward.

Okay that doesn't sound bad but he better do the work. Mr. James points me toward a seat in the back. I walk over to it and sit down in the seat by the window leaving the other seat for Grant.

Turns out he was right behind me cause he was already seated when I turned around. "Hi I'm Skye" I introduced, I'm new here so I don't really know what's going on."

He looked at me, finally shaking my hand. "Grant Ward, but I go by Ward."

The only thing I can think is wow another person that uses their last name instead of their first name. "It's kind of a thing at this school." He says to me.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Using your last name it's a thing at this school." He clarifies.

I blush lightly as I realized I probably said that out loud.

The rest of the class passes by without any trouble, although I don't think Ward really likes me. As we're leaving the teacher asks me and Grant to stay for a minute.

"Since Skye is just a bit behind in this class, Ward you will meet up with her out of school and catch her up so that she doesn't fall behind in this class."

He groans and says, "seriously, do I have to can't you find someone else?"

"You are her lab partner so you will be doing this whether you like it or not."

He just rolls his eyes and scoffs.


As we walk out I ask him when we should meet. "You'll come over today for the rest of the week and then we'll see where you're at."


2:50 p.m.

I see him standing by a bike and walk over to him. He hands me a helmet and tells me to get on after him.

"Where should I put my hand?" I ask clearing my throat a bit.

He guides my hands around his waist and breathes in as my hands rest on his stomach.

I squirm a bit uncomfortable with our position. He chuckles. "You should feel lucky your hands get to touch my abs." He says to me with a light smirk.

I scoff and retort "you should feel lucky your abs get to touch my hands."  He starts cracking up and then tells me to hold on tight as we exit the parking lot.

His house is massive, about the same size as my new one. We go in and start our work, about half an hour into our "study session" I remember that I forgot to call Mel.

"SHIT!" I exclaim. "What happened," he asks running in from the bathroom. "I forgot to call Mel!"

"Who's that?" He asks me. "My new foster mom," I answer. He just nods his head and let's me borrow his phone.

Phone conversation
(Mel in bold and Skye in italics)

Where the hell are you? Geez Skye we thought you got kidnapped or something.

Don't worry I'm fine. I'm at a friends house, the teacher asked him to help me with my school work.

A guy? Who is it? Do I know him?

Yes. Grant Ward. I don't know do you.

Hey don't take that tone with me missy.

Sorry, when should I be home.

Whenever you guys finish the work have him drop you off or I'll come and pick you up.

Alright. Thanks for not being mad. I'll see you later.


He finally drops me off at my house and he sits staring at the front. As I'm getting out he says "Hey do you want me to pick you up on the way to school tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure, I would like that. Thank you." I add at the end. He nods and pulls out of the driveway.


We finally finish all the work from the past few weeks.

"Hey do you want to go in the pool for a little?" He asks.

"Sure, but I don't have a suit or anything." He just smirks.

"You can swim in your underwear," he suggests with a wink at the end. I just roll my eyes and tell him maybe I will.

I quickly run over to the pool area and undress until I'm only in my under garments.

I can hear him walking up behind me so I quickly turn around to greet him. He is staring at me looking me over.

"Done checking me out?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Almost," he replied looking me over one more time.

I laugh and somehow manage to make him crack a smile. As I turn to face the pool again I feel hands on my waist and all of a sudden I'm being thrown into the pool.

Quickly I kick back up to the surface and glare at him. He just takes one look at my face and starts cracking up.

"That was unnecessary," I say glaring at him with my arms crossed.

"Your face is unnecessary," he says laughing harder if that's even possible acting like he is just the funniest guy on earth.

I get out of the pool while he is occupied and go up behind him.

"Hey," I whisper in his ear. He shivers a bit and turns around to face me. I place my hands on his chest while he leans in to kiss me. At the last second I shove him as hard as I can into the pool.

"Hah that's what you get!"

He stands up in the pool with water running down his face. I walk backwards then take a running start doing a cannon ball into the pool right in front of him.

I pop up in front of him and he grabs my waist. As he leans in again I push him away clearing my throat, "I should probably get home now."

"Yeah I'll give you a ride," he says sounding slightly embarrassed.

We get out and dry off. I slip on my shorts and shirt then put on my shoes. On the way out I make sure to grab my backpack and all of the notes we took.

When we get to the house we just sit in a comfortable silence. Finally I get out "I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask.

"Bright and early," he replies not quite looking at me.

As I walk inside AC greets me with a questioning look. "What?" I ask innocently with a small smile playing at my lips.

"I'm going to be playing the role of overprotective father and tell you that you shouldn't be alone with him and if your in this house the door stays open."

"What? Why? We aren't even dating."

"Yet. Skye even a blind man could see that he has taken some interest in you."

I only blush and head upstairs to take a shower and wash out the chlorine from my hair.

When I get out I walk downstairs to grab a snack.

"Why were you all wet when you came home from the boys house?"

"His name is Ward, I say rolling my eyes, and we were swimming," I answer rather simply.




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