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dhowell: Hello.

blackaesthetic: hiiiii :)

dhowell: Someone's happy.

blackaesthetic: are you not happy?

dhowell: Not exactly.

blackaesthetic: :( why not?

dhowell: Just a bad day at school, I guess.

blackaesthetic: im sorry. i wish i was there to hug you to bits and make it all better.

dhowell: Yeah, well, me too. You've already made it better by saying that.

blackaesthetic: :^))))

dhowell: Are those chins or extra mouths?

blackaesthetic: extra mouths.

dhowell: Well that's terrifying.

blackaesthetic: you know what else is terrifying

dhowell: What?

blackaesthetic: *image attachment*

dhowell: You win.
read 5:43 pm

aesthetic. (dan howell)Where stories live. Discover now