Chapter Three: Truth Sap Part 2

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Mabel's POV:

"Hey, this stuff kind of reminds me of the Truth Teeth!" I exclaimed. Dipper nodded. He started rummaging through his bag. "What are you doing bro-bro?" I asked. He pulled out a vial and used a Q-tip to push some of the sap inside of it.

"I'm collecting a sample." He replied. I glanced over at Spence and he looked really pale.

"Are you feeling okay, Spence?" I asked.

"Nope" He replied.

"Don't worry. It'll wear off soon. And what do you got to worry about anyway?" I asked. He didn't reply.

"What if I make a smart comment and your uncle kicks me out?" He finally asked. I laughed a little.

"That's what's got you so worried. Don't worry! Grunkle Stan's a nice guy. I'm sure he wouldn't kick you out over something as silly as that." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"So what did you mean earlier when you said that you guys were talking about how hot I am?" He suddenly asked with a smirk.

"Mabel! Don't answer that!" Dipper exclaimed.

"I-I-I um-"


"Fine, don't tell me." Spence said with a sigh.

"So Spence, how did you end up here, anyway?" I asked. He seemed to think about what he was going to say for a minute.

"I used to live here when I was younger." He said, choosing his words carefully.

"Really?" I asked, getting excited.

"Yep." He said with a grin.

"So where are your parents?" Dipper asked.

"Don't have any."

"Did they-Did they pass away?" I asked softly. Spence's smile quickly faded. He slowly nodded his head.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to make you sad." I said quickly regretting asking him that.

"No, it's okay. You didn't mean any harm." He replied and threw on a weak grin.

We sat there and chatted until it started to get dark.

"Hey, not to spoil the fun or anything, but shouldn't we be getting back?" Spence asked.

"Yeah, it's getting dark..." I chimed in. Dipper sighed.

"Man, I really wanted to find that pond."

"Maybe next time?" Spence suggested, throwing an arm around my brother. Dipper jumped a bit.

"Yeah, maybe next time..." Dipper echoed.

"So what did you want to wish for?" Spence asked, leaning in closer to Dipper's face. He nervously glanced around.

"I-I-there's this guy, well he's not a guy; he's more like a triangle? A dream demon! He's a dream demon! We thought he was dead, but he's uh, bugging me again so I was sort of hoping I could wish for him to leave my family alone." Dipper said nervously, rubbing the back of his head and not looking Spence in the eye. I could practically see the anxiety radiating off of Dipper. He was so easy to read. He obviously had a crush on Spence.

"Awe, that's pretty sweet of you, huh? Wanting to protect your family. Sometimes I wish I had family." Spence got up and stretched. "Let's get headed back. I'm sure your wish will come true someday without a silly old pond anyway."

I felt my heartbeat speed up in my chest. Spence took our hands and pulled us both up. His hand was warm and delicate. It made me want to fangirl. I turned to look at Dipper and his face was a little red too. Spence didn't seem to notice. He began to chat up a storm as he started walking back the way we had come. I felt Dipper's eyes on me and I turned to look at him. He looked away and started to follow Spence. I silently wondered which one of us, if either of us, would Spence choose?

(A/N: Sorry this chapter is short and there's no picture. I worked a lot this week and helped my friend throw together a cosplay the one day I didn't work. I went to Naka-kon today and it was awesome. I saw a Bill cosplayer and quite a few Dippers. There was even a Wendy! But don't worry, depending on how I feel I might post another chapter tonight. Since Spring Break is here I'll be updating more regularly as well.)

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