Chapter Six: We'll Meet Again Some Sunny Day...

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"Are you really Bill?" Those words hung in the air for a while. Usually in this sort of situation I would smirk and start laughing. I would change back into my triangular-demon form and freeze time around me. I'd say something smart and witty. But this time around I froze up.

"S-So what if I am?" I asked, stuttering in the process. The words came out squeaky and high-pitched. That thing in my chest was pounding really hard and it felt like my vision decided to go for a swim. I slowly sat down and Dipper watched me intently.

"So you are Bill?" He asked again, inching closer. It seemed like I couldn't find my words to speak. My stomach hurt and my head felt like it was spinning on its axis. Wait-do heads have axises?

"Yes." I finally managed to squeak out.

"Then how are you still alive, huh?" Dipper asked. "And what are you doing here in Gravity Falls?"

"I chanted a resurrection spell when your uncles erased Stan's memory so when I left his body he regained his memory just like I regained my life. I wandered around in the mindscape for a while then I decided to come back here. I found my old physical form, which was a pile of stone in the woods, and made myself a human body out of it." I replied, answering the first question. I still wasn't feeling well. Why is this body making me feel this way?

"Why did you come back here?" Dipper asked, impatiently.

"Hey, slow down kid. I can't answer all your questions at once." I said, tossing on a weak grin. "This body feels a little weird."

"What?" He asked, confused.

"I dunno. There's a pounding thing in my chest and it feels like it's about to burst out in an explosion of blood and guts-" I started.

"Ewe!" Dipper exclaimed and backed up a few steps.

"And my vision's doing this weird swimming thing. My stomach also hurts." I continued. I don't really know why I said that. Maybe it had something to do with the truth sap.

"Maybe you're feeling guilty."

"Guilty for what?" I asked, flashing another weak grin. "I haven't done anything wrong!"

"That's not true." Dipper replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a little confused. I thought everything I was saying was supposed to be true.

"You tricked me and Mabel into thinking you were someone else all for the purpose of your little game!" He shouted angrily.

"Woah, calm down, kid! I-I..." I couldn't say that's now how I wanted it to be because that would be a lie. I had been playing them from the start. And it was all for the sake of maybe bringing a new Weirdmageddon down on Gravity Falls.

"So why are you here, anyway?" He asked. His hands were clenched into fists. I wiped the sweat from my brow and leaned forward a bit.

"Well originally I had other plans, but to be entirely honest, I like being a human."

Dipper's POV:

"I like being a human."

For a while I didn't say anything. Bill Cipher, the evil dream demon who wanted to end the world, wanted to be a human? He ate the truth sap so he had to be telling the truth, right? I looked over at him. He was sitting there on the ground, rubbing his temples.

"So what, no more ending the world, then?" I asked. He didn't reply. He didn't even look at me. I had been right when I was talking to Gideon. This didn't look like Bill at all. Bill would be setting the world ablaze right now. He would be laughing and making deals. This Bill looked defeated in every sense of the word.

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