Chapter Five: deCiphering Spence

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Bill's POV:

I fell asleep easily that night. Having a human body really wore me out! My dream was kind of weird and yes, dream demons dream too. So in my dream I ran into Dipper and Mabel. They were talking about something. I looked down at my body, curious at whether or not I was my usual triangle self. I was a little surprised to see that I still looked like a human.

"Hey, Dipper! Mabel!" I shouted, catching their attention. They turned and Mabel waved me over. I couldn't tell if it was really them or if they were just part of my dream. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish that stuff. I walked over to them and Mabel jumped me with a question.

"Hey Spence, are you dreaming?" She asked.

"Yes. Are you?" I asked, curiously.

"Wait, you're dreaming too?" Dipper asked, confused.

"So both of you are dreaming?" I looked back and forth between the twins. They both nodded. "That's weird." I said with a frown.

"Me and Dipper shared a dream last night too."


"Yeah, we did." Dipper replied.

"Huh?" I stated aloud. That was odd. Very odd. "Have you guys ever shared a dream before?" I asked.

"No." Dipper replied.

"Not ever!" Mabel added for emphasis.

"I thought twins were supposed to share dreams and talk in their minds and stuff." I said dumbly.

"Nope. We don't have any cool connections like that." Mabel replied with a sigh.

What if the reason they suddenly began to share dreams was because of my presence? Sure, I had visited and harassed the twins before, but I'd never actually stuck by their side for days on end and slept near them. In fact, as a dream demon I don't sleep much. The last time I slept was probably right after I casted that resurrection spell in Stan's mind when he and Ford tried to erase me. And boy did that take a lot out of me!

"Well that's disappointing. With powers like that you guys could have been like superhero twins or something!" I said, striking a silly pose. Mabel giggled. Pine Tree stared off into space, not really paying attention anymore. It looked like he was stuck in thought. I hadn't said anything to give myself away, had I?

"So what should we dream about, guys!?" Mabel asked, wrapping her arms around both of us and dragging us into an awkward hug-thing.

"Alligators dancing the tango?" I suggested. I received a weird look from both of the them. "What? I couldn't think of anything." I lied.

"What about you, Dipper? Do you have any suggestions?" Mabel asked.

"I dunno. Do you have any other ideas?" Dipper asked, turning towards me.

"Uh, not really." I replied with a shrug. Of course I had other ideas, but I had no idea what humans normally dreamed about. It probably wasn't world domination and pancakes. "How about you, Mabel? Any ideas?" I asked, throwing the decision onto her.

"Um, I chose last night. Are you sure neither of you have a suggestion?" She asked.

"Well we could dream about pancakes." I hesitantly suggested.

"What about pancakes?" Mabel asked, curiously.

"I don't know. We could fly around on them and shoot lasers at stuff." I said with a shrug.

"Ooooooh! And whoever shoots the most stuff wins!" Mabel exclaimed.

"So we're making this into a competition, eh?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I knew I could easily win with my dream-manipulating abilities, but maybe I'd let one of the twins win. Hehe. Twins win. That rhymes.

"Doesn't that sound like fun, Dipper!?" Mabel went on, shaking her brother around.

"Sure. Let's do it." He replied. Hm, Pine Tree sure is acting suspicious.

So we dreamed that we were flying on pancakes and shooting things. I barely shot at anything, curious on which twin would win. It turned out to be Mabel and her insanity that won. I guess I should have expected that.

We woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. My stomach made another one of those funny hunger noises so I got up and tied my eye patch around my head. I turned to see Dipper staring at me.

"Hey, need something?" I asked.

"What's under your eye patch?" He asked, leaning forward a bit.

"Nothing actually. Just a big empty hole." I said truthfully. "I thought it would creep people out so I covered it."

"Oh. What happened to it?"

"Eh, some accident a few years back. It's not an exciting story." Dipper continued to stare at me. He was definitely acting suspicious. "So which one of your grunkles do you think is making breakfast?" I asked, not liking the awkward silence and staring.

"Probably Stan. Ford's not much of a chef. Once he made spaghetti and I'm pretty sure it moved."



"We should probably go get some breakfast before everyone else eats it all."

"I guess we should."

I walked down the stairs, feeling Dipper's eyes on me the whole way. That was pretty unnerving.

Mabel was already piling her plate high with bacon so I quickly grabbed a plate, not wanting to be stuck without. I had never actually tried bacon, but I had heard it was good. I was not disappointed.

Dipper continued to glance at me throughout the meal but I pretended that I didn't notice. I thought back and couldn't find anyplace where I had slipped up. Wait! I had left Gideon and Dipper alone at the mall. But Gideon couldn't have convinced him that I was Bill, could he have? Why do humans have to be so unpredictable?

After helping out in the shop I ran into Dipper. He was holding a plate full of cookies.

"Mabel made these, did you want one?" He asked.

"Sure!" I exclaimed and took one, taking a bite. It tasted oddly familiar. Dipper sat the plate down on a nearby table as I finished off the cookie.

"Hey Spence, I wanted to talk to you alone." He said after I had finished.

"Sure thing, pal." I said, and grabbed another cookie from the plate before following him. I was trying to place that familiar flavor. It wasn't poison or soda. It wasn't pancakes or syrup or bacon. What was it? What else had I eaten recently? We were pretty deep in the woods by now. I stopped dead in my tracks. "H-hey, did Mabel really make those cookies?" I asked, feeling some sweat start to form on my brow.

"No. I did." Dipper replied, stopping as well and spinning around to face me.

"You didn't put any of that truth sap in there by accident, did you?" I asked, running a hand through the hair on the back of my head.

"Yeah, I added some truth sap. No, it wasn't by accident." He said slowly. His gaze seemed like it was digging into my soul. If I had one that is.

"Well why did you put the truth sap in there?" I asked.

"Because I want to know the truth. Are you really Bill?"

(A/N: Heyo, Demonic Overlord Daisuke Yoshida here. Sorry it took me so long to update. I've been hanging out with friends since it's Spring Break and working since I have a job so I can buy a bunch of anime and cartoon merch that I probably don't need like my Dipper hat that arrived in the mail today. The song is "deCipher" by Madame Macabre. This video specifically is an cover by Knitting Giant Beanies. You should check out both of their YouTube channels. So far only one person has sent me fanart and it's my friend Moira Sonier (Shadowsoffire) who's writing a story called "The Dark Side of Me". If you're into Greek Mythology and Sexy Gods of Hell you should check it out. Also, expect the next chapter soon. I'm still accepting fanart! Please send some in! Until next time...............)

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