Niall, the "fat and ugly one"

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-I was gonna update sooner, but my Internet was going crazy and it deleted this whole FINISHED chapter, so I had to write it all over again! Ugh! So i apologize to you guys for updating this late! I love you guys! this is dedicated to sophie_horan123! Thanks for the prompt love! Okay I wanna say that I don't mean the words said to Niall in the beginning, I really love Niall, it's for the sake of the story! So no offence to Niall! Sorry for the mistakes, im kinda in a rush today, enjoy!

(Niall's POV)

'Why are you even in the band Niall? You are ugly and fat!'

'The boys don't even really care about you!'

'We hate you!'

'Niall, I really like you, but I think you should lose a few :/.....

"Hey fattie, lose some pounds, or your job!'

These were the tweets that were taking over my twitter. I don't know why, am I really that fat?

I get up and look in my mirror, all I see is fat fat fat!

Shit! They are right! I'm too fat! How the hell do I lose weight fast?

I guess the fastest way to lose a couple of pounds is to stop eating completely.

So that's what I'm gonna do.

(3 days later Niall's POV)

Shit, this is harder than I thought. My stomach is growling nonstop. On the bright side I've already lost some weight! I don't know how long i can keep this up before the boys will notice though...I mean all I do is stay in my room all day. The only reason I get is up is to go to the bathoom. That's it.

I can tell that Zayn is getting suspicious about my weight, seeing as he is usually the one to come into my room and ask me if I wanna go eat. I always find a way out of that, because food=calories=fat=No thank you!

"Hey Niall." Zayn says as he walks in for the 3rd time today.

"Oh hi Zayn, what's up?" I say nervously

"Why don't you come and eat with me? How about Nando's?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"Niall come and eat!" He says sternly

"No! I'm not hungry, I've already eaten!" I say

"Really, how? Because I haven't seen you come out of your room once!" He yells

"I'm just not hungry okay!" I yell back

"Niall Horan your better come eat or else!" He warns.

"No!" I say stubbornly

All of a sudden I'm being pulled over Zayn's lap.




"Ow! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!" I yell in tears not because of the pain in my bum, itdosent hurt too much yet, it's because I can't believe he's doing this!

He suddenly stops.

"Oh gosh! Niall I'm so sorry!" He lets me go and instead of letting him hug me I run out of the room and lock myself on the bathroom.

"Niall please open the door I'm sorry!!!" Zayn yells while knocking frantically on the door.

"Leave me alone Zayn!" I yell

"Please! I'm so sorry!!!" He begs

I just can't believe this. Why would he do this to me? I thought he would just talk to me, but no! He fucking spanks me! Like what the hell! As if I wasn't sad enough! I might as well call myself depressed!

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