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-This one is dedicated to @smilingsteph! Thanks for the idea! Keep them coming! The more you request the more I will update! Oh and my autocorrect is STILL not working so once again, sorry for any mistakes! I hope that this is what you ment by a misunderstantding!

(Niall's POV)

I was just on the couch watching tv when my phone buzzed telling me I got a text message. I looked at it and it said:

From: Josh

Hey man, come to the park with me and bring Zayn's cigaretts

At first I wanted to reply with: Hell no man!, But then I decided that I would look like a big wimp so i texted back:

To: Josh

Okay, be there in 10 min

Then I went to Zayn's room and stole the 12 pack and headed out to the park. I got there and pulled them out and handed them to Josh who handed me one. I hesitated at first, but then I got one anyway. We countinued to smoke and talk for a while.

(Zayn's P.O.V.)

I am so fustrated right now! I just got back from a meeting with management and we have 2 signings 3 interviews and 2 photoshoots just this week! I really need a cigarette! I stormed through the front door and went straight into my room.

I opened my sock drawer where I usually keep them, but now I couldn't find them! I was going to go crazy if I didn't get my hands on one soon! That's when I got a horrible feeling in my stomach. 'What if one of the boys took one!' I almost fainted thinking about it! I ran into Lou's room to find him on his phone tweeting fans.

"Lou, have you seen my cigarettes?" I asked hopefully

"No, why?" he asked getting up

"They are not in my room and if you didn't take them then-" i was cut off by Louis screaming


It wasn't long before Liam and Harry came down, but where was Niall?

"Boys, my cigarettes are missing, do you have any idea where they went? And where the hell is Niall?" I asked still in a horrible mood

"Um Niall is out with Josh, and I don't know where your cigarettes are." Liam said

He looked like he was telling the truth, so I turned my attention to Harry thinking that Niall couldn't have done this.

"Any thing to say Harry?" i asked

"I didn't do it I swear!" He screamed

"How the hell am I supposed to belive you Harry!" i screamed

"Zayn, calm down maybe he didn't do it just give him a chance to convince us, Harry what have you done all day?" Louis said

Harry was crying by now

"I-I really haven't done anything, I've been home all day playing video games, you have to belive me!" he pleaded

Me and Lou looked at each other completly lost on what to do. Harry didn't sound too convincing to me and I could tell that Lou was thinking the same thing.

"Come on Harry lets go." I said grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him to my room, Liam went upstairs so he wouldn't hear this.

"N-No! Please! You gotta belive me! Lou! Help, I didn't do it!" He scram

Just as i pulled him on my lap, Niall came in.

(Niall's POV)

I walked in on Harry being pulled over Zayn's lap while screaming 'I didn't do it'

"Whoa whats going on?!" i asked

"Harry is being punished for taking Zayn's cigarettes." Louis said sadly

My heart stopped for a second. I felt really bad! I had to stop this!


"OW ZAYN! I DIDN'T DO IT!" Harry scram

Thats when I lost it and yelled-


He stopped hiting Harry's bum and looked up.

"Hazza didn't take your cigarettes Zayn, I did." i said looking down shamefully.

"WHAT!!!" Zayn and Louis screamed at the same time, but right now I was focused on Harry as he cried.

"Hazza, I'm so sorry!" i said tears comming to my eyes "I didn't know that you would get in trouble! I'm so sorry!" i said while hugging him

"It's okay Niall, I forgive you." Harry croaked out which made me cry harder

We stayed hugging until I felt him being pulled off me.

"I'm so sorry Haz!" Zayn said

"It's alright Zayn, I wouldn't even belive me, my excuse was horrible." Harry chuckled

Lou went upstairs with Harry to cuddle.

"I'm sorry Zayn." i whimperd.

"Give me the pack Niall." He demanded

I gave the now 3 pack of cigarettes to him.


"I didn't smoke all of them I only smoked 3!" I said trying to not get into too much trouble

"Niall I don't care if you even took one puff, smoking is horrible for you and it can kill you!" he yelled "Do you know how horrible I would feel if I knew you got hurt because of smoking!" he asked

"I'm sorry Zayn." I said feeling really guilty

"Come over here, you are getting 35 with the paddle." he told me calmly

However, I was not calm. THE PADDLE! I've only had that once and when I got it I only got 15 because it hurts like hell! I started crying at the thought of the paddle. Zayn left to go get the paddle and when he came back he gently brought me over his lap and pulled my trousers down, leaving me in my boxers, and did not hesitate to begin.


At this point I didn't think that I could handle any more.

"5 more buddy I want you to count with me okay?" Zayn said

SMACK "OW one..."

SMACK "two..."

SMACK SMACK "three four..." i sobbed

SMACK he laid down the hardest one ever which made me cry out.

"five!" i sobbed

He picked me up and rocked me until my loud sobs reduced to sniffles.

"I'm sorry I had to do that, but it was well deserved, what you did was very bad and I never want to see you do it again, am I understood? Zayn asked

"Y-Yes S-Sir!" i said

He cuddled with me for the rest of the day and I can honestly say that I learned my lesson! No more smoking!

- Hi! Like I said before I really LOVE getting requests and feedback! So send in requests so that I can update because I am out of ideas. And once again sorry for the mistakes! Until next time my lovely unicorns! :P 

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