Night walking leads to trouble

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-Haha crappy title, but I couldn't think of anything else...On a happier note congrats to all the directioners and the best band itself, One Direction for winning all four awards that they were awarded. They honestly deserve every single one. They have been working so hard for all of this. And can we talk about Harry twerking?!?! Fucking perfection. Okay fangirling moment over...well this was requested by sophie_horan123! You should read her stories, they're great! Anyway sorry for the mistakes, and enjoy!

(Harry's POV)

Ugh why can't I sleep? I'm tossing and turning on my bed. I look at my clock and groan at the time it says.

3:00 AM

I sigh and get out of bed. I go to my closet and change into some regular clothes instead of my p.j.'s. Then I got out my tennis shoes, slipped them on, went downstairs, and headed out the door.

I know that I probably shouldn't go outside right now, but when I can't fall asleep taking a walk helps me get tired and have a more peacefull sleep.

As i'm walking, I trip over a branch and fall on my hand.

"AH FUCKING SHIT, THAT HURTS!" I yell as i start to get up.

"Ow ow ow ow!" I whimper and get up.

It looks really bad. It's purple and swollen.

"Shit..." I say to my self as I start to walk back home. It' s not broken, because I can move it, but its badly bruised. It really hurts!

As i'm walking home, I bump into someone.

"Shit, sorry mate, you okay?" I say as I help him up

"Language. And no im not okay, why the heck are you out here at this hour?" He asks angrily

"Huh?" I ask confused, until I see the"stranger's" face.

It's Zayn.

"Oh my gosh, Zayn! How did you find me you're supposed to be asleep!" I say suprised and a little afraid.

"I should ask you the same question, I came looking for you! Do you know how worried everyone is, you could have gotten hurt!" He yells

"Everyone is awake?!" I asked shocked

"Yes now lets go!" He says and grabs my bad wrist.

"OW!!!" I yell

"Whats wrong Ha-Holly! What happened to your hand?!" He asked

"I-I fell." I said my head falling

"See! If you never left, you wouldn't have gotten hurt!" He yells again

"I-I'm sorry!" I try, but he just shakes his head and grabs my other wrist.

"I don't want to hear it. Let's go Harry." He says and we walk back home.

(At Home Harry's POV)

As we walk in I am greeted by Louis's mad face and Niall and Liam's relived face.

"Harry Edward Styles, what do you have to say for yourself?" Louis asks angrily

"I'm sorry! I couldn't go to sleep so I went for a walk to help clear my head and relax me so that I could have a good night sleep, but then I fell and hurt my wrist, then Zayn found me and now i'm in trouble and this is just a horrible night!" I say and start crying

"Harry look at me." Louis says putting his finger under my chin and lifting my face up.

"We get that you couldn't sleep, but that is no reason to leave. Now you are very lucky that your wrist isn't broken, because that wouldn't feel too good, now would it." He asks me

I shake my head no and he continues "Now i'm sure that you are sorry, but we have to make sure that this will not happen ever again alright?" He finishes

"N-No! I'm sorry! I learned my lesson already, I did! Please don't spank me!" I say turning to Zayn

"Sorry bud, over my lap." Zayn says sitting down on the couch. I whimper, but do as told and thankfully Louis, Niall and Liam go upstairs to give us privacy.

"You're getting 70." He says while pulling down my trousers.


"Ow! Zayn! Please!!! Stop i'm sorry i'm sorry!!!" I beg, but he dosen't budge.


"Ah Ow!!!" I yell my bum is starting to burn alot.

"30 more love then we can cuddle." he says as he pulls my boxers down, much to my protests.

"NO!!! Zayn, p-please! L-Leave them up!" I beg, but he ignores me.

"SMACK SMACK Next time SMACK you can't sleep SMACK SMACK don't leave the house SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK and come to me SMACK or one SMACK of the other SMACK boys! SMACK SMACK SMACK And no cursing! SMACK SMACK SMACK Understood?!SMACK SMACK!" He lectures between smacks

"Y-Yes sir!" I sob and lay limp on his lap.

"Okay love 10 more." He said rubbing soothing circles into my back


Those were the hardest of them all and all I could do was sob into the couch. Zayn picks me up and sits me down on his lap and gives me a loving kiss on the lips.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry Zayn!" I cry

"Shh it's okay it's all forgiven, deep breaths okay?" He comforts

"Lets go upstairs and sleep okay?" He says and then I remember that it's probably like 4 in the morning.

I nod in his chest and he gently picks me up and goes upstairs and we lay in my bed.

"Goodnight baby, I love you so much, please don't do that again. I can't stand the thought of something bad happening to you okay love?" He asks while we are cuddling

"I promise Z. I love you too." I say and that's how we fall asleep that night.

Us two cuddled together and I think I felt the rest of the boys crawl into the bed as well...

-Please leave feedback and tell me what you think. Thank you for all the reads and votes! Requests? I'll gladly take them! Ok well I love you guys! Until next time my lovely unicorns!

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