Chapter 5 : Confession one by one

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As soon as Sean and Alyssa escaped, Aaron thought it was better to not waste time on this now and deal with it later.
"Now as you are willing to know much about me can I take you out for coffee this eve?" , Aaron asked.
"Ok no problem.. Ill catch up with you later. Ill text you.", she said.
"Our first text Ms. Rhodes.", he winked.
"Susan. Call me Susan.", she said.
"Ok my Susan." , he smirked.
"Not yours. Not yet.", she smirked back.
They both hugged again and said goodbye and left.
Susan headed towards the lecture room and Aaron drove to his college.
Alyssa noticed the change in Susan. She was all day dreaming and Alyssa was sure it was all about Aaron.
By that time Susan's phone vibrated. It was a message from Aaron.
"Change of plans dear.Its dinner not coffee."
"Ok no problem. What time?" , she texted back.
"Suzi... What are you doing there?", she asked pointing at her hand under the desk.
"Its Aaron's text. He wants to take me out for dinner tonight.", she told Alyssa.
"Omg girl !!!!! You have a date tonight.", she exclaimed.
"Ill let you know soon enough", her phone pings.
She gets butterflies in her stomach and waits for college hours to get over.
At about 6 in the eve there is a knock on the door by the hostel warden.
"Ms. Susan Rhodes?" , she asks.
"Yes maam.", Susan says.
"Here is a parcel for you." ,she hands it over to Susan.
A parcel for me? She wonders. Who would send her a parcel.
The tag on it says "YOUR FAITHFUL PATIENT."
Then there is a ping on the phone again.
"Dont think much girl, its me your faithful patient." , Aaron messaged.
There was a smile on her face with a little bit of pinkish tinge to her cheeks.
She opened the parcel.
It had a beautiful sky blue top and a beautiful black skirt with a box of high black heels. It also reads a chit with it. "At 8 my dear.... Wear this and come to St. Mary church crossroads.. Ill meet you there...."
She gets butterflies passing all through her stomach and the blush on her cheek spreads all through her face.
Alyssa snatched the chit from Susan and read it.
"Aha! Someone is about to fall in love.", she guessed.
"No Aly. Excuse me now I have to get ready." Susan left to get ready.
It was 7.45 when she was about to reach St Mary church crossroads. She saw Aaron waiting for her outside his navy blue merc. He was in a black tshirt with an off white jacket, truly to suit up to his royalty but yet with foot on the ground.
"You look beautiful Susan ", he complimented.
"You dont look any less handsome Aaron", she complimented back.
He welcomed her with a rose and completed his gesture of leading her to the car.
"Where are we going Aaron?" , she asked.
"Somewhere you have never been Susan.", he said.
They were on their way when Susan was lost in thoughts and Aaron noticed the calm and quiet Susan. When she turned he asked her, " Are you ok dear?". His word "dear" always gets butterflies to Susan's stomach . "Yes don't worry.", she said.
They reached the location and Susan was charmed with the view.
It was a deck in the middle of a lake all surrounded with satin curtains and all the tables lit up with scented candles. The tables had cloth with a combination of red and white.
"Like it?" He asked her.
"Very impressive Mr. Clarke.", she said.
"Im glad you liked it.", he said.
They both settled down.
"Susan....", he said.
"Yeah say...", she said.
" I want to share something with you."
"Yeah go on ." , she said.
"As you know my dad is one of the richest man in town. I know Im going to be the heir for the entire Clarke empire. But I dont want to be dependent on my dad or show it to the world that Im born with a silverspoon."
"I understand Aaron but you should not think what the world thinks.", she said.
"I know but I just want you to know. I dont want any girl to be with me just for the fact she knows that Im a rich father's son.", he cleared.
"A girl who really wants to stay will stay under any circumstance Aaron remember this.",she said.
"So I ask you straight... Would you be that girl for me?", he asked bending on his knees the next moment with a sapphire ring in his hand.
Susan didnt know what to react. She was all emotional with so many thoughts galloping across her mind.
"Dont you think its too fast for all this?" She asked.
"Not at all its just because I know that im with the right girl.", he told.
"And how do you know Im the right girl?", she questioned.
"Because when I told you something about what my aim in life is you supported me without even a second thought.", he said.
They both shared an eye contact and she accepted his proposal.
He was quite delighted by her response but he wanted to hear her say it.
"Say it." , he said.
"Say what?", she giggled.
"Nothing.", he said his eyes lowered and head bowed down.
She was just playing with him and accepted it the next moment.
"Yes I would be with you." , she said.
He couldnt believe it at the beginning that this all was happening for real or its all just inside his head. He spins her chair and is on his knees the next moment again.
"Shall we dance my Susan", he says emphasizing on the word MY.
She immediately said yes.
After a while they heard a couple of claps from the background. It was the two mischievous people Alyssa and Sean comming towards them.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen", Sean chuckled.
"Im pleased to inform you that my best friend Susan has finally said yes to her long time crush Aaron." , Alyssa teased.
"Aly..... Shush." , Susan tried to stop her.
"Its ok baby.", Aaron told her intervining his fingers into hers.
She felt quite assured that he truly loves her.
"I want to confess something else Susan.", Aaron's expressions changed serious.
"Yes say im all ears.", she said.
"Actually all this was planned." , he said.
"Ofcourse it had to be planned dear specially when you have made such a beautiful arrangement." , she said.
"You dont get it Susan. Planned meant planned by all three of us.", he said pointing out at Alyssa and Sean.
"Oh! Thats what kept me wondered how come Alyssa was getting ready along with me.", she laughed.
" So you dont mind it do you?", he asked.
"Not at all Aaron. Relax im a quite understanding girlfriend." , she winked.
"Hahahaha", he laughed and hugged her.
They all moved towards dinner and Aaron started off again.
"I raise this toast to my life, my everything, my saviour and my cupids Alyssa and Sean.", he clinged the glasses.
"I invite all three of you to my convocation tommorrow afternoon.", he said.
He bent towards Susan , "Thankyou baby, thanks for comming into my world", he whispered into her ears and kissed her temple.
Aaron and Sean left for the Clarke Mansion and Alyssa drove back to the hostel with Susan.

So here chapter 5 ends.
I know its too quick for Susan to approve the proposal but the story has many twists and turns....
Keep reading to know more in the further chapters.

Above is the picture of the set up on the date arranged by Aaron

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Lets see what happens at Aaron's convocation

Happy reading 😊

Silent observer2020 😘❤️

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