Chapter 3 : The Clarke Mansion

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                  Biding Goodbye to Alyssa, Susan rushed towards Park Street Avenue, where the Clarkes resided . She herself didnt have a clue about the way yet nanaged to reach there as soon as possible.
             When she entered the streets of Park Avenue, she saw a lavishly built mansion all surrounded by lawns and greenery with a water fountain in the admist.
            "My gosh! So serene and beautiful", she expressed.
           She was quite pleased by the royalty she saw in front of her eyes.
          "Shes so lucky....", she murmered to herself and then fell silent.
         "May I know who are you please?", the man at the entrance gate asked her.
          "Im Susan. Susan Rhodes. I wanted to meet Mr. Aaron Clarke.", she said.
         The guard immediately called up inside.
        "Sir, Ms. Susan Rhodes has come to meet you." , he told Aaron.
       "Im sorry, but who? I dont know any Susan Rhodes.", and he kept the call.
       "Im sorry mam but sir doesnt know anyone of this identity. Im sorry I can't let you in.", the guard told Susan.
        "But.... But....." She uttered but the guard closed the gate.
        "How come he doesn't recognise me? If not me then how come not even my name?", she wondered.
        She decided to wait there for a while.
         Meanwhile, Aaron returned to the living area where his mom and sister were waiting for him for lunch.
        The whole table was completely arranged of Aaron's favourite dishes. Ammelia immediately noticed his expressions and asked.
        "Is everything fine Aaron?".
         "Are you sure? Because your eyes say something else."
        "Mom, actually I just received a call from our entrance guard. He told me some Ms. Susan Rhodes wants to meet me. What leaves me questioned is I havent come across anyone of this identity " , he said.
        "Come again. Who?", Ammelia asked.
         "Ms. Susan Rhodes. Do you know her?", he asked being inquisitive.
        "Yes dear. Shes the same medical student who you wanted to meet before we left the hospital." , she replied.
        "Mom then I need to rush. She must just be half way gone." , he said hurriedly.
"Wait I guess I have her contact" , Ammelia said.
She calls up Susan and she fortunately was waiting out. A few moments later the bell rings. Aaron runs to the door.
     "Hi! says a soft voice", Susan's eyes gleamed with shine. She was too pleased to see him but was left speechless.
     "Hi!", Aaron responded with excitment.
      He was quite happy to see her.
      She was delighted as well.
      They exchanged eye contact, Susan's eyes full of concern and Aaron's full of gratitude.
      "Come in dear...", Amelia said.
    They all welcomed her.
She was flabbergasted to see such a huge living room full lavishly designed and with all proper arrangements done.
   Those lights that hunged from this huge cieling gave a shine to the whole living and the dining area.
    The red velvet cloth that rolled down the staircase gave it a red carpet ambience.
     "You have a beautiful house Mrs. Clarke.", she exclaimed emphasizing on beautiful.
    "Thankyou dear. Come time for a spot of lunch.", Amelia greeted her.
    "This is my little sister Alexandria" , Aaron introduced her.
     Susan took a glance at Alexandria and was quite emotional after seeing her but then somehow drifted the topic.
     "So Susan how did you get here?", Aaron asked inquisitively.
      "I came to know from Sean. Actually I had no clue that he belonged to my medical school."
      "Ill leave the two of you to talk.Come Alexandria lets go! ", Amelia excused them.
      "Bro! All the very best", Alexandria whispered teasing Aaron.
      "So how are you now?", Susan asked.
"Im fine . What about you?", Aaron responded.
"Can I ask you something?", she questioned.
"Yeah ofcourse go ahead.", Aaron replied.
"Does this incident stop you from being yourself ? ."
"What incident ? Oh! This accident ? No no not at all . Why would it? " , he confused.
"Oh! Nothing ! " , she wondered.
"Why did Sean tell me this then?" She whispered to herself.
"Excuse me! Did you say something?" , Aaron asked.
"Oh no nothing!", she assured.
"I think I should be leaving. Its been too late." , Susan getting ready to leave.
" You can wait for a while longer.", Aaron requested.
"Ok. But I really need to rush in 10 mins max.", she said.
" So you studying medicine right? How is all going?"
" Im kind of enjoying it.", she said.
"Oh thats great.", he said joyfully.
" So what do you do?." , she asked.
" Im in my final year of engineering."
"Ok then Aaron.I need to leave.You take care of yourself ok.", she told him.
"Yes ofcourse you too.", he told.
She was about to leave, when Aaron stopped her.
"Can I have your number? Just in case of an emergency we might need?" He asked curiously.
"Yes no issue.", she replied.
They exchanged numbers and she left the Clarke Mansion.

So this was the end of chapter 3 !!!
Will Aaron contact Susan or Susan would contact Aaron???

Why did Sean tell Susan such a thing??? How come Aaron didn't have a clue???

Get to know what happens next in the further chapters.

Above is the picture of the Clarke Mansion.

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