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Ok so this is Brie's costume, not entirely sure about the design of the body suit, but that doesn't matter bc the important part is the headset.

As I said before, she's blind in one eye. But it's not regularly blind, it's blind because she can see snippets of the future through it. The headset allows her to focus her energy and do other things like see larger portions of the future without getting injured and manipulate objects and people. It's pretty sick.

Also, her hair is tied back to improve her self-confidence bc she always keeps it in front of her magical-blind eye (which she's embarrassed about).

It reads:

Brie - Telekenisis
  -> simple design, like Darren's (sleek and robotic)
   -> head piece which helps her focus her energy and actually move and manipulate objects and people, rather than just seeing snippets of the future.

Sorry for not updating as much lol

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