I wanna sleep but i cant

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Ug I just want to sleep but my head is so full of ideas

Like maybe Emma who I haven't talked about much uses some badass machetes to kill things

And originally she had this long ass scarf that she wore everywhere but then I was like nah that's impractical but I might bring it back

She's so pretty and deadly lol

Also August, I don't know whether Caiden knows he has his sister's with him or not, idk

And I still don't know whether to kill Sawyer and/or Lacey off

Cause I'm loving Lacey more and more, I might kill Hunter off she's not really my fav lmao

Look at me, picking favourites

I should frigging write a synopsis of this story so you guys actually know what I'm talking about lmaaoooo


I am sorry to bore you all with my brain

Ug I need sleep

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