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anyways lol

My throat is dead and whenever I speak I expect words to come out but I just squeak a little and it's funny

At one point I sounded like lady sybil from downton abbey with her really husky voice lmao


i came up with details about the social ladder in Thomas and Ryz' world last night:

the class system is very segregated, fauns and other satyrs are at the bottom of the system. Thomas is a slave for a wealthy elven family along with his brother and other lesser creatures as they are known as.

greater, neutral, and lesser races gauge the social status of all creatures able to voice their opinion and have free thought

animals, even if they can speak, are not involved. they either live free in the wild or grow attached to another creature and become their companion or pet, classified as either whether they can speak or not. despite the fact that they are not included in the social ladder the speaking animals can join the army, depending on the species. ex. a talking bear would be able to join the army, but not a talking rabbit or a mute bear.

the neutral races or middle classes are more lenient than the other classes, in terms of the races that technically are categorized as being neutral being able to vary from completely neutral (in the middle) or greater or lesser depending on the family the creature was born into

examples of the different species on the social ladder:

greater races: some of the higher races are high and dark elves, ancient dragons, anthropomorphic animals, and other more sophisticated races

neutral races: middle class includes lesser dragons, wood elves, humans, griffins and creatures like it, dwarves, and other less sophisticated races

lesser creatures: lower classes are fauns and other satyrs, trolls, orcs, and other barbaric races

any creature can fall to the bottom of the ladder if they fall into serious debt, commit a major crime, or is pronounced a coward in battle, the worst of all.

creatures like dragons are only greater races because they are feared, very wise and powerful, bc honestly they aren't too social lol

anthropomorphic animals tend to be the least ruthless of the greater races, generally being kind but also strong and powerful

faeries/fairies are not included in the class system because they live separate from the rest of society, with their own social ladder in place. they're generally respected as a whole and its very rare to see any faeries, especially at night. they try not to involve themselves in war, but sometimes they'll participate, usually serving as spies or sent to sabatoge(or however you spell it lmao) things.

lesser creatures are often used as slaves or used in war as bait and servants to the generals and other high-ranking officers

the class system is VERY important in Thomas' society, that's basically what his whole life is based on lmao

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