I thought this was kinda cool

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I like Markus' design (he has electrokeneisis, which means he can control electricity).
The little bubbles on his suit (hexagons, technically) generate electricity from the friction created when he moves, and then stores it in the energy thingies on his palms. He's got robotic-like joints, which I think looks pretty dope yo (#sweg).

He can generate the electricity by himself, but he can't control where it goes. Also, when he gets angry, his body begins to gather the electricity around him so when he gets super pissed, watch out, he'll be even more powerful (remember that he has anger issues, so that happens a lot). The suit also contains his electricity anger bursts so no one gets hurt.

I'm really pumped about these suit designs because they all do something or contribute to their powers. I always thought it was stupid that there were guys running around in costumes for no reason aside from trying to keep their identity safe. The suit should DO something.

Anyhoo SEE YA :D

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