I'm really sorry Chris but there's nothing I can do for you bruh
His suit has like literally noting cool about it bc all he really needs is for it to be friction resistant (lol the opposite of Markus') and super sleek. But I also added these suction-cuppy things to the base of his shoes, which help him run along walls and other parquor stuff (or however you spell it lol)
Also his body is super disproportioned but I'm over it
Also I might make him gay
And OMG I was showing him to my parents and I was like I might make him gay and they were like WHY THERE DOESNT HAVE TO BE A GAY GUY IN IT THERES GAY PEOPLE EVERYWHERE HE DOESNT NEED TO BE GAY
And I was like
Like its a freaking part of human life, get used to it, you don't have to participate but don't hate on it so much
It's more my dad than my mom but still

RandomArt I guess Try to ignore the lame jokes and sometimes-bad art, I'm just kinda going for it lol ((EW OLD))