Lol but also my boring life
It's saaawwwyyeeer he's so cute kms
Lol I redid his hair because it was basically Caiden's but blonde, maybe a bit more scruffy
Soooo banquet was great
And this guy who I've had a crush on since forever (and we're really good friends now)(he's not the guy who was flirting over texts) was dancing with me and making like freaking direct eye contact and I was like ahh
We were dancing to that chacha real smooth now song idk what it's called and every time we chacha'ed he looked like right at me and was like HUHUH
And afterwards he gave me a hug and squeezed me a little bit harder than he normally does so I'm like
It was pretty much amazing overall

RandomArt I guess Try to ignore the lame jokes and sometimes-bad art, I'm just kinda going for it lol ((EW OLD))