My angels

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"Nandini baby wake up baby girl , you cant sleep till noon . You are coming with us for the board meeting today and no more excuses princess . You know na how your brothers are , the same lazy ass , they are complaining me only you are getting concession to skip the meetings. " My dad's voice disturbed my sleeping self . My dad , my idol , my teddy bear . He is  always like this , although he is one of the successful business man , he wouldn't miss a chance to wake up his baby girl  every morning . " Dad we are not lazy heads , your princess is " A smile formed on my lips hearing my brothers voice . I know he is saying this to annoy my dad. They are competing with each other to find who loves  me more . " Shut up Aryaman  , don't tease my princess " " Princess wake up na " "Dad its only 6.30 , why should i wake up this early . " " No princess its 8.00 , don't play with me princess , i will pour water on your face , wake up "
"Dad , please , dad no , no water , dad ......" i jerked from the bed shouting my dad's name .

I opened my eyes slowly , but my dad was not there , no one was there not my dad ,nor my brother , the still old dream . The same dream wake me up every morning . But the only difference is that me 'Nandini Murthy ' who was a late Waker , is an early Waker now. I looked at my bed side alarm to find its only 6.00 . But life is always like this , its may not turn out on our expectations. My life changed me , the old chirppy nandini is so gone , new nandini is more mature , more focussed , determined . A lone tear flowed down my cheeks , sometimes its so difficult to act strong , because i am still weak inside .

A weak pull on my dress brought me out of my thoughts . I turned myself to face the most beautiful gift of my life by god , my hope for living , "my babies ", yes my babies , my sweet buddle of joy giggling at me with their newly developed tooth . The pain , hurt deep inside me vanished , all i can see is only my babies . I am a proud mother of the twins ' Ryan'  and  'Myra' .  Ryan and Myra are my world . They both are   2 years . Myra is the naughtiest one , her acts reminds me of their father . She have big doe eyes and pouty lips like me , but her father's long nose . Ryan is the silent one , but have anger issues exactly like his dad . He have the exact chocolate brown eyes of his father. He is a mamma's boy . I love my kids so much , i have only them in the whole world . They are my hope to live , if they were not there , who knows , may be i have left the world long back .

I carried my babies  and laid  them on my lap. I know it's not easy to raise twins , and in my case , alone . But my babies doesn't cause me much trouble.

I kissed them on their temple pampering them . They both are giggling looking at each other and at me . ' mama ',  both squealed in joy.

" My babies are so happy , tell mamma too, what is the reason "

' mama hunky ' Myra sat up on my lap .

" Aww my baby is hungry "
' m ama ' Ryan  raised his hands at me . He wants me to hold him .

I bought him to my shoulders , he leaned towards my cheeks and kissed me .
I kissed him back .
"Are my babies hungry "

Myra find my breasts by her little fingers and began to nuzzle into it . Although i use to bottle feed them , they like feeding from me . Some people come with their point that i should stop breast feeding them ,as they are old enough , but i don't let them rule my life , its my wish . I forget to say my babies are so stubborn , they want me to feed them both at same time , too much stubbornness .

I placed them on the bed after feeding them .

" sweeties stay here okay , mamma will be back and myru dont fight with ry . "

She gave me an innocent laugh , i know some thing poping in her head " mamma myru g ud b-a-b-y . "
" i know my myru is good baby . Ryu baby play with toys okay. " i pecked their for heads and walked to the bathroom .

I looked at my figure reflexed in the mirror . A lone tear trailed down my eyes . I will not cry . I should be strong  for my babies . Its been  3  years any one of them contacted me , even they hadn't tried to find me . My loved ones , the people i loved extremely including the father of my babies . He doesn't even know about their existence and i haven't even tried to tell him , because in my inner mind i have a feeling that he will reject my babies , according to him i cheated him , but i don't know how . He is the only man i have ever loved , still loves , the only man whom i have given myself , my heart my soul my body . I don't know what are the foundation of his accusations , i still don't know . I don't know how i hold myself on seeing him on news paper or television , and some time some woman clinging to him .

" One of the richest bachelor of India ,Mr Manik Malhotra "

Was it so easy for him to forget me , our memories together , .....

Note .

It's my first time writing on manan . Frankly speaking i am bit nervous writing as  I don't how you all accept my work . Please kindly send me feed back and opinions about my story .

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