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Manik's POV

My son. Our son.

Ryan is my son! Does she saying the truth? Can I trust her words? She is I think, she cannot lie over such an important and big truth. Ryan and Myra are my kids. The news is shocking and surprising at first, but pleasant, heart stirring and overwhelming, after, and wave of relief floating through my heart, in hearing her words. I can't even emote my feelings of joy, realising they are mine, my babies. The warm and happy feeling filled in my heart, all the time when the two angels come near me, was not some stupid sensation rather a fatherly bond I felt for them. Their presence helped each time to be myself, the true Manik, not the one behind the cold and emotionless facade. They are mine, mine to love, care and protect.

Why did she kept this from me, not letting me in my kid's life? I hate her. How can she do this to me? Earlier, when she disclosed that their father is here, I was bit confused and felt angry, and even thought who could be the man.

' Manik, please' Nandini's words broke my chain of emotional thoughts. She looked disheveled and devastated, tears never stopping from her fluffy, reddened eyes. Everyone's gazes are on me, including my family, her family and the Tacker's, all stood there shocked, hearing her sudden revelation.
The thought of my son's bleeding, lifeless face came back to me, panicking me. I can't even express the pain I got through seeing him like that, minutes ago.

' Doctor, i can give blood to my son. Make it fast, and please save my son ' Shifting my gaze from Nandini, I declared to the doctor.

' Mr. Malhotra, your son will be alright I can assure you that. Come with me' He answered calmly, signalling me to follow him.


She is glued at the same position near the door, when I came back after the procedures of blood transfusion. Tears never stopped flowing down her eyes, Mukti and her mom is standing behind her holding her and saying consoling words to her. My heart is pleading me to go near and hold her in my arms, she looked so weak and fragile, but the hate and detest for her in mind, is restraining me to do so. The emotion have doubled than earlier realising the fact that she hid my own blood from me, this long.

Noticing that I have returned, she glanced at me hopefully, but I looked in other direction ignoring her pleading gaze.

After half an hour the doctor came out informing us, that my son is okay and out of danger. We can see him after one hour and he will be shifted to room, after that. A heavy weight of pain is released from my heart hearing his words.

' Where is Myru, my baby?' Nandini asked suddenly, looking around, anxiously. I have forget about her totally, where is my angel?

' She is here, sleeping' Cabir is the one to answer. He and Aryaman is standing at the opposite end, while Aryaman is holding my baby girl. ' She slept, a while ago, she had been crying continuously' Added Cabir.

Nandini rushed to them, and carried the baby in her arms, cradling her slowly. She returned back to her previous position, but opted to sit on an empty chair, and placed Myra against her chest, protectively. My baby girl in her arms shifted slightly, sensing her mother's warmth and squinted her eyes, slowly, studying the surroundings.

' Momma'

' Baby' Nandini kissed her on her head.

' Momma, Ry Ry' Angel whimpered looking for her brother.

' Ryu is sleeping. We can see him after some time' Nandini consoled her.

' No. Wele ish Ry Ry. Mylu see him' she demanded , trying to get down of her lap.

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