Wedding freaky night.

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Untangling the heavy set of necklace, in a slow pace, I stood before the dressing mirror, in Manik's bedroom. Myra and Ryan are settled on the bed engaged in a tug of war, with my dupatta, and their daddy dearest is seated on the armchair, on the right side of the bed, busy working in his laptop. I have felt, eyes on me, many a times, but I tried my best to not look back, meeting the familiar chocolate brown orbs, burning my back. Finally I succeeded in extricating the heavy jewellery, making more space for the black beaded necklace, joined by a diamond pendant, Mangalsutra, gracing my milky white skin. This is the first time, I am having a clear look on the piece of jewellery, he made me wear, while making me his wife,  it is quite simple, beautiful, yet elegant one,  my fingers caressed along it absentmindedly. Snapping out of my thoughts, I whipped around meeting his eyes, so he was watching my small self contemplating moment.
I feel embarrassed all of a sudden. Ignoring his eyes, I stride along the room to my children playing on the bed. Manik, haven't uttered a single word, to me, since the time, Cabir and Mukti went back, so I remained to be silent with him too.

'Kiddos, be careful. You will fell down' I sat beside them.

'Momma, dish ish longy. Ry ry hwep mylu to weal dish' Myra pouted her baby lips, complaining me, as she can't carry the dupatta, like I did.

'Myru, momma tell you na I will buy a new one for you'

'Momma, one fol mylu's doll to,' She pouted, with her hands resting on her hips.

'Okay, princess' I cupped her face, lovingly.

'My my, we weal momma dish' Ryu came to my other side, with one end of dupatta, curling in his small hands. 'Momma, ish pwetty'

'No baby, not now, I need to change the clothes' I stopped him, abruptly.

'Pleesh momma, one tlime' He pleaded, curving his lips, in a grin, which I can't resist for long. I can say my boy will be a quite charmer, in his youth days among the girls. The very similar grin made me fall head over heels, for his daddy, how can I resist his demand when my baby is smiling at me like this. Like father, like son, aiyappa!

'Aww, my boy is so cute. Okay, my pretty little darling' Pinching his cheeks lightly, I nuzzled my nose along his face.' My baby boy want to see momma in this, so make me wear' I encouraged him. I bowed a little so that myru and ryu can make me wear the dupatta.

'Now, are you happy angels'

'Yesh, yesh' They began their happy dance, clapping and jumping on the bed.

'So smart move? Making my brother and sister, on your side. Very smart, you are, how can I not appreciate you, my wife' Manik, said, slightly poking his eyebrows, shifting from his seat he walked towards us.

'What can I do if they possess a heart unlike you, to understand people and their feelings' Sarcastically, I claimed.

Reaching the bed he took the space beside me, I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

'Honey, fighting with me? Really? Look babies are looking at us' Whispering in my ears, he hugged me from the behind.

'Leave me, bastard. Don't touch me' I cried, menacingly, trying to move his hands away.

'Daddy, momma, ale you flight?' Ryan came near us, twitching his nose in confusion and worry look plastered on his face.

'Daddy, why ale you flight wlith momma? You no likey momma weal this?' Myru inquired, an unpleasant frown on her face.

'No babies, we are not fighting. Is it right, Nandini?' Manik, answered them in concern. 

'Yes. No need for my babies to worry' Moving closer to Manik, I kissed him on his cheeks, leaving him abashed, to prove my point.

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