Mommy, daddy and babies

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'S...T...O...P...I...T' He shouted furiously. ' Just stop it right now. Don't utter a damn word, again' Fire in his smouldering eyes, pierced through mine, burning me, if looks could have killed I have been into ashes, right at this moment.

' Please, lower your voice. Kids are sleeping' I muttered, mustering the remnants of strength and courage, still present in me.

I can see a slight change in his demeanor, when I bought the kids, in between. Slowly calming down he moved away from me and whipped around, his back facing me.

' You have a lot to explain' he gritted his teeth angrily, but maintaining not to raise his voice. ' Later'. He stepped near Ryan's bed, settling there, gently caressing his son's forehead. I made gentle steps to the comforter, and lay down on it, taking my sleeping princess in my embrace. She shifted, gently, like she knows her mother's presence. A small smile appeared on my lips.

Times passed by amidst the thick silence prevailing the room and lack of sleep. I heard no movements from him. Is he sleeping? Slowly I hopped out of the bed, and glanced at his direction. He is very much awake, still in the same position beside his son and his fingers gently stroking Ryu's face. I was bewildered by the scene, how much he care for his babies? He hadn't left his son's side for once,since that accident took place.

I walked to them, and get settled on the bed, grabbing his attention in process. He is sitting on the chair placed beside the bed. Moving my fingers towards Ryan i gently patted his forehead.

' why is he taking such a long time to be back in consciousness' I murmured apprehensively, to myself, as I am getting worried and tensed.

' It will take more time' He said, though I was not expecting an answer from him.

' Go and lay down for a little while, I will sit here with him' I said reluctantly, as his response can't be predicted.

'No' His eyes met with mine. His red glistening orbs convinced me that he was crying silently. Our eyes locked, for a long one minute, I removed my eyes from his face, shifting it to his upper body, and realised that he was being shirtless all the time. The temperature outside is bit chilling, because of heavy rain, pouring continuously for the last few hours. I can feel his eyes are still on me, not meeting his gaze, I stepped down of the bed, in order to grab his blazer, which he had taken off. Picking it I marched to him, his eyebrows scrunched up, questioningly.
I wrapped the blazer around his body making him stir a little, annoyingly. I retracted to my previous position, near Ryu. He didn't made any attempt to take it off, conveniently.

' Ryu, baby' I shifted my attention back to my son. ' He looks exactly like you, a mini version of you' Admiring my son, I mumbled softly.

'Hmmm...' I heard him say, but his eyes are still in me. What is he thinking? I lowered my eyes, not meeting with his, twitching my fingers in between. Awkwardness fill in the air.

Slowly stepping down, I walked to the direction of the window, standing beside it and narrowing my gaze out, glancing at the large drops of rain pouring down, a cool breeze swept in making me shiver. I crossed my hands across my body.

Hearing his foot steps, approaching me, I felt a gradual increase in my heart beat, a cumulative effect of nervousness and his presence near me. In a blink of time, his hands are at my both sides, holding on the window panes, like capturing me in his hold.

A nervous feeling crept in me, he is on some mission, I can presume that. He came more closer, so that my back is touching his chest.

' You seemed nervous? 'He whisper in my ear, his hot breath touching the whirls.

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