Chapter 2:

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For god's sake who names a place Forks??

Wait! Doesn't it remind you of a fork somehow?! Haha.. told you.

I quickly got up from my non existent sleep and headed straight to the shower, and let me tell you I wasn't one of those fake people who appear in cartoons or books claiming that a morning shower is one of the 'best things', instead I HATED morning showers. Really, cold water wasn't my thing.

After half an hour of sitting beside the shower with my hand almost being for a second heated then the other second stone cold, I have giving up.  I swear there is something mysterious about my shower that makes it either REALLY cold or REALLY hot, and let me give you an advice, You're unlucky if you're one of those people who might buy my shower in the future when I need money, because You may enter and never come out! HAHA I might start a business! (Cuz I'm EVIL!)

''Stan, Come downstairs RIGHT NOW!'' My Uncle yelled.

UGH! Why can't some people understand that I don't like to be called Stan? My name is Stacy, nothing including an 'n', yet my mum and Uncle call me this! I swear there is something incredibly weird about parents and relatives, they -most of the time- want to irritate you, and let me mention that the name Stan remind me of a stain! Hilarious! 

''Yeah, One second.'' I quickly changed into my black t-shirt and red flannel, with black skinny jeans. 

Going downstairs wasn't one of those interesting things to write about, I shouldn't bore you with my incredible attempt to jump down the stairs and falling on my face, should I? 

''Stacy sit down NOW.'' Okay, though  I have mentioned that there is no freedom with my uncle here, I have never seen him once this serious, there have to be something and whatever this was I felt fear collide inside me.


''Oh Stan, I'm sorry... Look I know You tried to tell me that you didn't want to move and go to your dad, but...but let me tell you honey that I don't want you to hate me after this, promise me.'' Whispered my uncle, and I could have sworn I saw a slight tear slide on his lightly tanned skin.

There is something weird, first of all, My uncle never called me hunny, secondly, this thing is about me staying with my fath-er.

''I promise Uncle Jedd.'' I replied softly.

''Stacy, your father sent you a ticket to fly to forks tomorrow, and this is serious.'' 

Wait... WHATT??!!


Hi! Hello! Heyy! 

OMG! 2 chapters in one day, the day the book was posted!! YAYY! Thank you for reading/following/voting or commenting!

let me know what you think down below in comments! (I reply to all)



POSTED- 12/3/2016~ 9;08 PM

Hard To Reach (Twilight) ~Jacob Black  FanficWhere stories live. Discover now