Halfway dead, halfway alive

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I know a lot of people struggle on daily basis to stay alive. Lately, I've realized that for me  the worst type of struggle is when you struggle to understand YOUR MIND. like why did I say this? why did I do this? why am I LIKE THIS? and for me, that has caused me to lately feel like I'm slowly being suffocated.

Be proud if it hurts cause that's your clue that you're still alive and let me tell you, please, HOLD ON.-This book is basically my random thoughts, they are truly based on how I feel and maybe, just maybe we share the same feelings and hopefully we can resurface together!♥-

I will be updating as much as I can, please if you read this and feel like you can relate to whatever I write let me know, also if you need anyone to talk to anytime my inbox is always open!♥♥


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