Chapter 3:

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The whole ride wasn't pitch perfect.

Yeah... It wasn't pitch perfect.

It wasn't one of those plane rides where you -luckily- got a 1st class ticket and had this awesome bed that was 10x more comfortable than your own bed, instead, I was forced to sit in those small blue seats which were covered with advertisements about the whole plane, and to add more uncomfortness, I had to sit beside a fat lady who was probably another 10x my size. 

It was uncomfortable

and Awkward.

To ease up the whole tension I tried my best to silently think of cool songs in order to sleep.

---------**SKIPP TIME*------

I Imagined it better. Maybe I should stop imagining from now on, it's not like this is the first time for me to travel, nah. I've visited Australia once, and it was mesmerizing. yet, here I am again, standing still in a weird place that probably wouldn't be recognized as an airplane without this cracked metallic sign that held a few rusted words, and the only thing that look quite good were these white chairs that were slightly unmatched, come on this place is totally made by someone who wanted to kill any fashion statement.

I waited patiently.  20 mins turned into 30 then 30 turned into 1 hour.

Yes, Stacy you've been sitting in a weird place, then you're looking akward because every second new people entered the same waiting room then left before you. Awesome!

Then, suddenly, I turned my head.

and let me tell you I frantically wanted to turn it back.

A sign held my name.

'Stacy Rose Maguire' 



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~Engy xx

POSTED; 19/3/2016 (3;19PM)

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