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^ 18 came on when I was writing this.^

Louis shivered as he stepped into the warm building. It had to be in the negatives today it was so cold. Spring was just around the corner though.

"Same as usual?" Liam, the owner of this lovely little coffee shop, said.

"Yes please, it's drastic out there," Louis said slipping his coat off and hanging it by the door.

The shop wasn't large at all, and it was in the middle of town surrounded by a flower shop and other useless shops. There was at least five tables, only one being taken by Niall, Liam's best friend. The tables were red with matching chairs. In the corner was a small TV that was playing some news channel. One of those fake plastic trees stood under it. Even though it was small it was comfortable and felt like a second home to Louis.

"I know, surprised you didn't skip this one." Liam said, pouring Louis coffee into a cuppa.

"I would never," Louis laughed. Liam handed him his coffee along with a muffin. Louis muttered a quick 'thanks,' and sat down beside Niall.

"Hi, Louis," Niall said setting his phone on the table.

"Hello, Niall. How has your day been?" Louis asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"The usual, yours?" Niall responded with a smile.

"Boring," Louis said smiling back.

"Have you heard-" Niall was cut off by the bell on the door tinkling. Louis turned around in his chair seeing a tall figure with beanie covering his head, a few curls could be seen peaking out of the bottom of his hat. His face had very handsome features but Louis could tell he was young. He had on a black coat that went past his thighs. His legs covered by skin tight jeans and his feet in black Converse. He had a scarf around his neck that was tucked into the coat. He was flawless.

The boy took off his coat along with the beanie and scarf. His eyes met Louis' blue ones and he smiled. Louis, of course, returning it. His eyes were the most beautiful green Louis' seen in his life. Louis, not wanting to seem like a creeper turned back around facing Niall who had a bright smile on his face.

"Harry!" Niall shouted in an intimidating voice. Louis could hear the boy let out a yelp, then he started to laugh.

"Niall!" Harry shouted. "What are you doing here?" Niall stood up opening his arms. Harry shuffled over hugging Niall.

"Just getting some coffee from Liam. Have you met Liam? He owns this place you know. I thought you lived quite a ways from here what are you doing here?" Niall bombarded him with words.

"I moved here for school." Harry said nodding.

"You look cold get some coffee and come sit." Niall said lightly pushing him up to the counter. Louis sat there silently sipping his coffee.

Niall sat back down with a smile on his face. "Anyways, Lou did you know that there's going to be a music shop opening in Lisa's place?" Louis raised his eyebrows. Lisa was the owner of the flower shop next to Liam's. It had shut down a few weeks ago. She couldn't run the place anymore because of old age.

"What's going to happen to all her flowers?" Louis asked in concern.

"There's going to be this big sale, and Liam was thinking about buying some to put in front of the shop you know to brighten the place up a bit more." Niall said taking Louis' muffin and biting into it. Louis scoffed snatching his muffin back and placing it onto the plate.

"That's a really good idea, but won't the flowers die because of the cold?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, but the sale isn't coming till the first day of spring." Liam said handing Harry his coffee.

"Oh." Louis said.

Harry sat down across from Louis. "Hi," Harry said sticking his hand out knocking over his cup of coffee. "Opps." Harry chuckled sheepishly.

"Hi," Louis said chuckling. He jumping up to grab a rag.

"Sorry," Harry mumbled his cheeks turning a light pink.

"'S okay," Louis said wiping up the mess.

"I'm Harry," Harry said picking up the cuppa so that Louis could wipe up the mess there.

"I'm Louis," Louis said smiling.

"Thanks Louis," Harry said.

"No problem," Louis said sitting back down.

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