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^When the air ran out and we both started running wild^

Louis told Liam he had to go and said he'd be back in the evening. Liam waved him off and started putting the flowers outside.

Louis was walking in the, somewhat, warm atmosphere. He was in an oddly happy mood. Usually he'd be in a crappy mood considering Liam woke him up at eight to go buy flowers, he doesn't know what put him in such a good mood. But that doesn't matter he was in a good mood and that's what matters.

When he finally got to his building the smell of cleaning supplies hit him like a brick wall. He walked up to Zayn's door knocking once before opening it.

"Zayn?" Louis shouted.

"In the kitchen." Zayn shouted back. Louis walked into the kitchen seeing Zayn fiercely scrubbing at the tile. "Thank god that you're here, can you take the trash out for me?" He said, Louis nodded setting down his phone and keys on the table.

"Can I put on some music?" Louis asked. Zayn sighed but nodded. Louis smiled, running over to the shelf stacked with CD's after CD's after CD's. Louis ran his finger over all of them until he stopped on How To Save a Life. He took it out putting into the stereo. She is, started to play and Louis smiled happily.

As they cleaned they sang loudly to the lyrics and scrubbed every inch of Zayn's flat. When they were done they sighed in relief until Zayn realized he was out of green paint.

"Shit, I'll be right back I'm out of green paint." Zayn told Louis as he slipped on a jacket and grabbed his keys, walking out the door. Louis sighed not knowing what he's going to do, he settled on two options. One, snoop through all Zayn's stuff. Two, go home and watch TV. He's definitely going to do number one.

Louis pushed him self off the couch walking over to Zayn's bedroom door. Louis done this more than he can count but it's fun to go through Zayn's room and silently makes fun of him in his head.

Louis looked through his 'junk drawer', nothing new. He looked in his side table, nothing new. Zayn's so boring, Louis thought to him self with a small smile.


Later that day Louis went to the coffee shop. As he walked in the door he noticed Harry sitting in the corner with his camera.

"Louis!" Liam shouted. Louis directed his attention to Liam who was already pouring his coffee into a cuppa.

"Hello Liam," Louis said sitting at the table next to Harry's. Harry looked up at the sound of Louis' voice. Louis looked over at Harry and smiled.

"Hello Harold." Louis said with a toothy grin.

"Hi Louis." Harry said standing up. "Can I sit?" He asked Louis who just nodded in response.

"How was your day Harry," Louis asked looking at him.

"It was fantastic. I started to paint some tulips and I got the color perfect. Do you want to see?" Harry said pulling out his phone.

"Sure." Louis said leaning over so that he could see the screen of Harry's phone. The picture on the phone was an unfinished tulip. It was really pretty, well at least Louis thought so. "That's beautiful Harry."

"Thanks," Harry said with a light shade of pink coating his cheeks.

"Here's your coffee Lou," Liam said setting Louis' coffee in front of him.

"What do you do Lou?" Harry asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like what's your hobby?" Harry asked fiddling with the buttons on the camera hanging around his neck.

"I don't know... em I like to play football?" Louis said sipping his coffee.

"Really?" Harry said his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yeah, you like to play?" Louis asked. Harry nodded a few curls falling in front of his face. "Really?"

"I'm not any good, but I like to play and watch," Harry said smiling.

"I'm sure you're great at it." Louis said watching how Harry's face started to grow pink.

"I could tell you're good, you've got a nice bum," Harry said growing pinker.

"Thanks, I do got a pretty bum don't I?" Louis said looking behind him. Harry was now red. "You've got very pretty curls." Louis said reaching over twisting a curl around his finger.

"Thank you. I try." Harry said with a punched out laugh.

"Alright flirty flirts I've got to go pick up Niall, Lou can you close up?" Liam asked putting his jacket on.

"Sure," Louis said taking a drink of coffee.

"Thanks," Liam sing-songed as he walked out the door.

Louis sighed looking at the clock see that it was only seven.

"I've got to go, meeting someone tomorrow. Bye Louis." Harry said standing and waving good-bye to Louis before walking out the door. Louis sighed putting his cuppa with the rest of the unclean ones before turning the sign to closed and locking the door.


It was ten in the morning Louis didn't have work today and Zayn was supposed to text him when 'the cute guy' is supposed to come over and do an art project together. Louis was wearing a sweat shirt that he was practically swimming in and his normal skinny jeans. To be honest this outfit was shit if he'd say so himself.

It's not like he wants to impress any one.

Around eleven Louis got a text from Zayn saying that the guy was on his way. Louis didn't bother grabbing anything but his phone. He lived across the hall if he needed anything he could just go get it.

Louis wasn't expecting what he saw when he walked into Zayn's house. There on the floor with paint smudged on his left cheek. Zayn was laughing and while painting a small flower in the corner of the canvass. Louis was dumbly standing at the door mouth hanging open and hands hanging loosely by his side. Harry just looked up see Louis standing there and his eyes shined with happiness.

"Hello, Louis!"

It's not like he wants to impress any one. He had to remind himself.

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