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^Hey Angel, tell me do you ever try to come to the other side?^

It's been a week. Louis was standing with Liam in a flower store as Liam picked out the flowers he liked. Why Louis got dragged here? He doesn't know. But here he is pushing a small cart with two rose bushes, and two small Azalea bushes. Liam wants pink flowers for some odd reason and pink flowers he's getting.

It's warmed up quite quickly but you never know they could have snow tomorrow. Louis is able to wear a t-shirt without freezing his bum off. There's nothing really for Louis to do. His phone died an hour ago and Liam won't let him leave, so Louis is stuck staring at a small girl asking her mother for a Tiger Lily.

A mop of chocolate curls is what catches his attention. It's Harry, with a camera snapping pictures of a bundle of Gerbers. Louis watched as Harry walked over to an Orchid and snapped a picture of that also. Then to the Carnations, then the Clematis, to the Tulips he went. Louis was caught off guard when Harry started to walk towards him. Why was he coming over here?

"Hi Louis." Harry smiled.

"Harry." Louis said smiling back.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm with Liam, he wanted to make the shop a bit prettier." Louis said pointing his thumb behind him gesturing to the small bushes in the cart. Harry furrowed his eyebrows looking behind him.

"Where's Liam?" Harry asked.

"Well I thought he was right behind me." Louis said turning around. No Liam, great. "How can you loose Liam he's not, how do you say, small." Louis muttered to himself.

"I think I saw him next to the counter." Harry said bouncing on his toes so that he could see over the many people. "There he is." He said pointing over strangers heads. "Come on."

Harry grabbed Louis by his sleeve dragging him up to were Liam is, Louis dragging the cart.

"Louis, were did you go man? You were right behind me one minute then gone the next." Liam said laughing.

"Sorry, I got distracted." Louis muttered. Liam took the cart and got in the line. Harry smiled bending over the cart and snapping yet another picture. Louis was confused as to why he was taking so many. Yeah flowers are pretty but do you need so many pictures?

"What are you doing?" Louis blurted. Harry bolted up with a smile on his face.

"I'm taking pictures." Harry stated.

"No kidding. I meant, why are you taking the pictures." Louis said crossing his arms.

"I paint them." Harry said shrugging and clicking a picture of Liam. "I'll paint Liam too."

"No don't paint me!" Liam said in a voice one octave higher than his regular voice.

"You paint?" Louis asked ignoring Liam completely.

"I love to paint." Harry said dragging the word love.

"My best friend paints. His name is Zayn. Are you any good?" Louis asked.

"I guess, I wouldn't say I could create master pieces but I'm okay... Wait did you say Zayn? I think he might be in my art class. Is his last name Malik?" Harry asked.

"Yeah! He's in your art class? He didn't tell me he was taking art this year." Louis furrowed his eyebrows looking at the ground.

"He's my partner for our next project. He seems cool." Harry said with that toothy grin he always has smeared on his face.

"You're lucky. He's really good. And I'm sure you're great," Louis paused. "at art, I'm sure you're great at art." Louis finished.

"Right," Harry dragged. "Well I've got to go, bye Louis, bye Liam." Harry said skipping away. Literally skipping. What is he, Louis thought with a smile on his face and shaking his head.

Louis was able to take today off because he told his boss about Liam wanting him to go with him to an important thing. Yeah, he kind of lied, buying flowers wasn't that important but whatever.

After the flowers Louis was going to go to the coffee shop, of course, because it was Sunday.

Liam had paid for the flowers and they were walking out of the small building with a pot in each hand.

"Are you just going to set them in front of the door, or?" Louis asked hold the flowers up so he could see the bottom of the pot.

"I think I will just set them in the window considering it could be warm today but snowing tomorrow. Yesterday I bought these really pretty bins that I could put them in." Liam said pushing the door open to the coffee shop.

"Nice, can I see them?" Louis said setting the flowers on the counter.

"Sure, they're in the back." Liam said setting the rest of the flowers next to were Louis sat his.

Louis walked back behind the counter and opened the door that had big gold letters spelling 'staff'. The room he walked in was really cramped with boxes and bags of what ever Liam used to make what he makes, at least that's what Louis thinks the bags are filled with.

"Do you mind bringing 'm 'ere?" Louis heard Liam shout. Louis looked around the cramped room spotting four flower pots that were almost a teal color. They weren't really pretty but the color was.

Liam looked very manly, very strong, very fit but in the inside he was a soft little kitten. He wore pastel colored cloths and even on particular days he wore flower crowns. This got Louis picturing Liam in flower crowns, then Niall, then Zayn, and finally Harry. He doesn't really know Harry only that he goes to the same school as Zayn and his name. Also the fact that he likes painting flowers.

Louis picked up the flower pots caring them into the main area of the shop. Liam was already pouring a small amount of water into the pots they came in.

"Thank you." Liam said taking the pots out of Louis' hands setting them next to the flowers. "Thanks Lou for your help." Liam said with a smile.

"No problem, I-" His phone went off. Louis looked down at the contact seeing that it was Zayn. Louis answered it sending a quick sorry to Liam.

"Hey Zayn, what's up."

"Louis help, this really cute guy is coming over tomorrow and my house is a disaster." Zayn practically shouted through the phone.

"Okay and what am I supposed to do about it?" Louis asked chuckling.

"Um clean my house with me." Zayn said like it was obvious.

"No," Louis squeaked.

"Please Louis." Zayn dragged.

"Only if I get to meet the cute guy." Louis said with a smirk.

"Fine what ever just, help." Zayn said ending the call.

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