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^Te-he I'm listening to No Control^

It was Monday. Oh, what fun. Louis wasn't a very happy morning person, he moped around until it was the last minute he had to get out the door.

Yesterday, at the coffee shop he didn't stay very much longer because he wasn't really involved in the weird conversation Niall and what's his name were having.

Louis had work today, as always, but he gets to get off early because of the snow that's supposed to be coming. You'd think the snow would start to melt taking that in a week it's supposed to be Spring. But no the snow was still coming and in blizzards.

Louis was sitting on his couch with a cup of tea in one hand and his phone in the other. Nothing big was happening so he was basically scrolling through the crap people were posting about this new song some artist he's never heard of came out with.

It wasn't rare for Louis to get visitors in the morning. The biggest visitor is Zayn. Zayn was his ex. It wasn't weird that Zayn still came over to borrow his vacuum or to get something he wanted to eat. They were still best friends but they liked being best friends and best friends only. When they did date those three months it was weird doing the whole hold hands and kiss thing. So for the greater good, they broke up and became best friends again.

So, Louis wasn't angry when he heard a small rapping on his door. He stood up opening the door just for Zayn to zip past him and into the bathroom. He came out with a tube of tooth paste and yelled a 'thanks' over his shoulder as he rushed out.

Louis chuckled shutting the door and walking into his room putting on his work clothes and sliding on some Vans. He worked in a small film shop. They sold the most shit films, but he got paid and that's all that matters.

He usually gets a ride from Liam considering that the film shop is only three shops down from 'Payno's coffee house', but Liam hasn't texted him yet so that either means he can't give him a ride or he's dead.(Louis has told him countless times to change that god awful name but Liam said that he thought it was clever and besides he couldn't afford to get a name change.)

Louis locked the door to his flat and went down the steps onto the streets. What a gloomy day it was. The sky was grey and the ground was covered in a thick layer of snow.

Louis already regrets his decision to were Vans instead of boots. His phone dinged that annoying ding that Louis despised. He unlocked it seeing he had a message from Liam, thank all the gods, saying that he was running a bit late.

Louis sighed slipping his phone back into his coat pocket and walking back to the stairs and sitting down. Just then Zayn ran past him yelling 'I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date' making Louis chuckle.Of course Zayn would quote Alice in Wonderland.

It seemed like forever before Liam pulled up in front of Louis honking his horn once. Louis jumped up jogging to the car and opening the passenger door.

"What took you so long, Payno," Louis said putting his seat belt on.

"My alarm clock didn't go off." Liam mumbled, pulling out of the parking lot and speeding down the road.

Liam dropped Louis off in front of the film shop. Louis unlocked the doors and flipping the sign so that it showed it was open. Minutes slowly ticked by before the first costumer walked in.

"Welcome to Films Faster do you need help finding anything?" Louis uttered not looking up from his phone.

"Um, do you have Love Actually?" A slow familiar voice asked. Louis snapped his head up meeting eyes with the boy from the coffee shop. 

"Uh, yeah." Louis said clicking his phone off and stepping out from behind the counter. The boy grinned and toothy grin before following Louis to the 'Romance' section. Louis ran his finger over the spines of the film cases before stopping on the movie the boy wanted.

"Here you are... um?"

"Harry," Harry said before grabbing the film in his hand.

"Yeah sorry, bad with names." Louis said with a tight smile.

"It's okay." Harry said with the same grin as before.

"Alright," Louis said clapping his hands. "Anything else?"

"Anything you recommend?" Harry asked, running a hand through his unruly curls. He had to be 18, Louis thought.

"Have you seen Grease?" Louis asked. Harry nodded. "Well then I have nothing because that is the best movie around." Louis chuckled walking back to the counter. 

"You like Grease?" Harry asked setting the movie onto the counter. Louis nodded ringing the film up and putting into a small bag. He handed Harry the movie, "Enjoy."

There was only three other costumers that came in that day. Louis walked home, which he enjoyed because it always cleared his head. But he also didn't enjoy it because his feet were swimming in cold water.

Louis shivered fiddling with the keys in his pocket before he got into his building. He unlocked his door taking his shoes off at the door. It was only three. What could he do?

He went to Zayn's.

"Zayn." Louis held the 'a' a bit more than he should have. "I know you're in there, school ends at two." The door opened an annoyed looking Zayn in it's place.

"What do you want Lou?"

"I'm bored and have nothing to do so let me in." Louis said trying to get past Zayn. "And I need my tooth paste back." Louis said slipping past Zayn into his flat.

"It's in the kitchen." Zayn mumbled sitting on the sofa.

"Why is it the kitchen and not the bathroom?" Louis asked putting the tube of tooth paste into his pocket.

"Because the kitchen is closer to the door. I was late to class today." Zayn said.

"Oh, that sucks." Louis said.


It was midnight when Louis went home. He stumbled into his room stripping his jeans off and crawling under the blanket.

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